1 (145)

1 (145)

mass dcstruction ol pcoplc—••coio-uiooacci Kimug. oulllŁ nnd con:u ćjucnces of ćontcmpt are presentcd.in Tablc 13-3.

na U nr. 13-5. ranem ofcmations in ihcimagcdcontempt .tli „mion: mitiimumscare, 3; mwfmimi score. 15. Abbreviiitionsofemaliom asfoiiow.i: (Co) eomemiii, (Do)dlsgn.il, (Aii) nnger. (luj ituere.il. (Di) disire.ii. Mu) surpri.ie. nnri tfe) fcar.



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FiGUnfi 13-4. rmiern nf emaliom in ihe imaged di.ign.it lin,mion: minimum scare, 3 minimum score. 15. Ahlireeialion.i of emaliom as foliowy; (Og) disgu.it,’ (An) miger, (Ca mnff/nrU. (Oi) (łistm*. (Sn) sinpritr. (In) intrrrst. (Włl(Fr) frnr.

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tt-h^ i i; ~|: i; r i.feciS

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FIGURĘ 13-3. Patiem of tmollontt In ih/Jiiwgctl nnger rftuaiioft (N MiriUlutn^L 3; maxlmum senrc, 15. Ahbrcclatlnns of cmotlona nx follo\vs: (An) anger, (Dg)dhgi/j(, contempt, (In) intcrc.it, (Su) surprisc, (bij diśtress; and (Fc)fęar,


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