1 (145)

1 (145)

mass dcstruction ol pcopic—"coia-uiooacu kiiuii«. oumc

and eon:* fjuences of ćonicrnpt are prcsentcd.in Tablc 13-3.

FIGURĘ 13-5. Penem of cmotinns Iii tlić, imnpcd eontempt situation: minimum score. 3, mosimum score. 15. Abbre\intions of emolions tisfolloms: (Co) eontempt, (Dpi dlspust. (An) on per. <ln) imere.il. tbi) distresś. ISnisurprise. miH (Fe)fcar. ,    •    •

FIGURĘ 13-4. Pntterr, of emolions in tbe imaped dispn.1t- situation: minimum score, 3; minimum score. 15. Ahlireciationś of emniions os follows: (Dp) dispii.it,' (An) ońper, (Co) mniemał. mi) ilistrrn. (Su) smoriie. tlni inlrrr.il. and (Fe) frnr.

An 0(i Co In Su Ol F»

FIGURĘ 13-3. Paltem of emolions In thejiiwpetl óngcr shnóiioii (N 3; maximwn score, 15. Abbrcelntlons of emolions os follows: (An) onper, eontempt, (hi) Interesu, (Sn) sinprisc, (Dij (liitrcxs, nntl (Fe)fcar.


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