

li culminnlion ol' hygrophilcs C'<itycfiluifi irUUniaium nad ulnnist cmnplctc diltppcurcnco of grnsshmd upecios ineluding IUllotiiu kuUiih, thal w.i\ vcry conimon m thc Atlantic. Wliilc thc devclopment of molluscun fauna aecnu u> lH. gradual mul sinooth one, thc tulu Hcdiincnlatioii displayu iudden changca Incompleto tulu hci ics sovcrul, uaually four intcrcalutions of aoils, acrectand wnsh-down soil sodiiuciits uppeur. liivcn thcaccumulation ratca and thc Icugih o! Epiutłnntic tlicsc dry or unstublc oucillutions were not longer than lew decudcs, nuMiiully 200 ycurs Thcy Kud not lott any profound ot in fottłl rccord vlsible impuct on vegctatlon and molluscun usscmblugoa but they ul tered aedimontutional paltem (Wittislingcn in Middlo Ucniutny - Scit/. 1051; scvcrul deposits of Itohcmiun Karst /.ńk cl ul. 2002| Slovak karat l.ofck 100 Ib). Wliilc (lic slopc deposits of Atlantic ago nrc indicutcd by inlcnaWc pedogonesis leuding to formation ol brown dcculcilicd soils, lipiulluniic tted-imentntion eonsists ot smali to medium si/.cd scrcea willi moatly bumie,cur-bonnto rlch matrlx. lipiulluntic and Atlantic correspond to thc postgluciul cllmntic optimum, hut thc highest lloral and fuunul divcraity culininateaduring Gpiutluntic, wlicu hotli succcssions liave rcuchcd t!icirclimux mages (LoJck 1982).

The signifleant fuctor in laiulscupc dcvclopiucnt is reproNcntcd by thc beginnings of ftirmlng. Wild, inelTcctivc ucccssory furininguctWitiaaofiii* digenous Mesolithic populution lutvu met willi thc migrntionul wuva of Danu» binn fnrmers nt thc beginning of thc Noolithic ora. The dry and wurin, locss-cherno/cm mens willi scattered forests, slirublands utul grasslunda were thc primary targets for litrmiiig and tlicy havc rcniaincd continuously sottlcd cvcr lor the Insi scverul thousnnds ycurs. 'Hic Ibrcst and soil cvolulion was stnppcd duc to the trnnsformntion to culturnl steppe. Thcrcforc thc lipiatlanlic culmi-nntion oftlie woodlaud malacofuuiia divcrsity is missing in tlicsc arcus. The forming hmd expansion significnntly continuos during thc lincoliihic mul Bronze Age cras to rctich its pcak during succceding thc Stilibomil sensu K.D. Jiigor (1969),

The Sidiboreul oftlie Mid-liuropean Iloloccnoslratigraphie prtwincc cor-responds to thc Lnie Bronze Age (1400) 1250—700 H.C. The most striking dcmoMsirulion of this mostly dry and elimalicnlly contrasling Continental wenlher period is thc mnrkcd hori/on ofhumic soils mul scrccs liuricd in lufa hodics. I his similur pultcrn cmi ho fon tul nil over Middlo Germany to Molic-niin mul as far as Soulh-liaslern SUwukiu. The age of soil horizons cmi be imlepeiulenlly daled by nhundmil linds of loeal Lilio llronze Age pottery. File Siilihoreal climale loiid lo llio linprocondontcd formation ofooursc serees due to llic rock collapscs and cave oillrnnces fol roni (I .otok 1988), Inter,slieos in


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