21 (956)

21 (956)

the relatively larger mass of the hips. In the example above, this means that dorsal flexion will be retained caudal to the treated segment. Theoretically, specific treatments, with locking both caudal and cranial to the segment treated, can be conducted by placing the entire vertebral column in dorsal flexion and lateral flexion to the right (so it locks) and inducing left lateral flexion in the treated segment. But in practice this is impossible to induce. Therefore, flexion is changed in both the frontal and the sagittal planes. In the example above, dorsal flexion is retained but lateral flexion changes from left to right to lock caudal to the segment treated, while lateral flexion to the left is retained while sagittal piane flexion changes from dorsal to ventral to lock cranial to the segment treated. As illustrated in Fig. 9, locking both caudal to and cranial to the segment treated can be achieved by changing sagittal piane flexion either caudal to or cranial to the segment treated. The choice between these two approaches is largely a matter of convenience for the therapist and for the patient.

Fig.9.Two alternative double locking methods for a typical specific treatment of lower thoracic spine; segment T11-T12 in physiological position in dorsal flexion, lateral flexion to the left and rotation to the right.

A: Segments caudal to the segment treated are in ventral flexion, lateral flexion and rotation to the left, and thus lock for rotation to the right. Segments cranial to The segment treated are in dorsal flexion, lateral flexion to the right and rotation to the left, and thus lock for rotation to the right.

B: Opposite locking alternative: Segments caudal to the segment treated in dorsal flexion, lateral flexion to the right and rotation to the left, thus locking for rotation to the right. Segments cranial to the segment treated are in ventral flexion, lateral flexion and rotation to the left, and thus lock for rotation to the right.

Fig. 9 a.

Fig. 9 b.


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