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E. Guaguere - P. Prelaud - B. Hubert
Diagnostic approach to feline pododermatoses
Pododermatoses are a very important and diverse group of diseases. In some cases, feet are affected directly whereas in others, pedał involvement is a conseąuence of systemie disease. Although pododermatoses are a less frequent reason for consultation than in the dog, the foot can be targeted directly in various specific conditions: bacterial paronychia, plasma celi pododermatitis and cutaneous metastasis of a pulmonary adenocarcinoma. Pedał involvement may also be part of a morę generalised dermatological condition M. Periungual diseases are common, especially relating to a well-developed structure of mesodermal origin called the fibro-myxoid tissue, located between the nail and the third phalanx4 (Fig. 24 : 1).
Figurę 24 : 1 : Topographical anatomy of the feline digit (longitudinal section, Goldner stain, x6) (courtesy of C. Delabre)
1 - Second phalanx
2 - Third phalanx
3 - Ungual crest
4 - Ungual process
5 - Hyaline articular cartilage
6 - Articular capsule
7 - Extensor tendon
8 - Flexor tendon
9 - Smooth, very keratinised epidermis
of the footpad
10 - Dermis of the sole
11 - Subcutaneous tissue with adipose
12 - Skin covered with hair
13 - Cutaneous pad
14 - Claw
15 - Sole of the claw
16 - Deep, non-keratinised epidermis
17 - Dermis
18 - Fibro-myxoid tissue
There is such a plethora of potential causes of pododermatoses (Table 24 : 1) that a very rigorous and methodical diagnostic approach is essential. The history and clinical examination (generał and dermatological) are used to formulate a differential diagnosis, which can be narrowed down by performing well-chosen diagnostic tests. Used alongside routine diagnostic tests (e.g. Wood’s lamp examination, direct examination of hairs and scalę, skin scrapings, fungal culture and cytology), the skin biopsy is often the key to diagnosis
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