
It may be extremely rare for a panda family in a zoo to produce a cub, but it's not a problem for the teddy-lover. In a couple of hours he can create a lovable black and white baby panda with an appealing, sad face. And why not make a mother for the baby panda, too?


0.35 m white fur fabric (1.4 m wide) 0.25 m black fur fabric (1.4 m wide) dacron and polyester filling remnant black imitation leather 2 black button eyes 1 upholstery needle scissors, pins dressmakers chalk The cutting pattems are on pages 78/79.

The larger bear measures 40 cm. The smali bear measures 30 cm.

Making up

Cut out the pattem sections adding 1 cm seam allowance, checking which way the pile lies and remembering to copy all the markings on the patterns on to the fabric.

Place the outside leg sections right sides together .with the inside leg sections and pin the long front and back edges together, placing the pins at right angles to the edge and pushing the fur inside. Sew the seams. Place the footpads in the bottom of the legs, matching up the numbers. Tum the legs the right way out. Sew the outside and inside arm sections together along the outside edge and tum the arms the right way out.

To make the head, place the ear sections right sides together and sew round the curved edge. Tum the ears and sew in the correct position (num-ber 10) on the back head section. Fold the front head section on to the back head section with right sides together (ears inside) and sew along the top of the head, catching the ears in the seam.

On the right side, neatly sew the black eye patches to the front of the head. Then place the two head sections right sides together and sew up the back and front centre seams. On the muzzle, start by sewing up the centre side and then the side seams. Sew the muzzle into the round opening at the front of the head and sew the dart on the neck edge.

Sew the centre back and centre front seams. Finally sew the side, inside leg and shoulder seams. Join the arms and legs at the appropriate openings in the body and tum the body the right way out. Stuff the legs, body, arms and head with dacron and polyester filling. Gather up the neck edge on the head and body to roughly 30 cm circumference. Sew the head by hand to the body using strong thread.

Place the taił sections right sides together, sew and turn right side out. Stuff the taił with a little filling and sew to the body along the marked linę. From the imitation leather cut a circle about 5 cm in diameter for the nose. Make a row of running stitches 0.5 cm from the edge and gather up to shape the nose. Knot the ends of the thread and stuff the nose with a little filling. Sew the nose to the centre of the muzzle. Finally sew the eyes to the black eye patches.



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