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Fumiture polish (also leather and vinyl cleaner and conditioner)

725ml/3 1/3 cups of olive oil

40g/1/3 cup Castile soap

HO to 60 drops of essential oil (optional)

10 drops of grapefruit seed extract

Get your 4.5ltr/1 galion jug of water and start by filling it halfway up with water. Add all your ingredients. Fili the rest of the way up with water. Shake well. Put in a spritzer bottle for best results. This needs to be shaken before each use. These proportions will create about 4.5lts/1 galion of polish which will keep for up to a year and can, in addition to the uses above, be used for shining stainless Steel and on painted surfaces and blinds.

Caution: Not recommended for antiques, orfloors.

Wooden furniture polish no. 1

This polish should to be madę fresh each time you use it. 1 lemon

1 teaspoon olive oil 1 teaspoon water

Extract the juice from the lemon. Mix with oil and water. Apply a thin coat on your wood surface and let sit for five minutes. Use a soft cloth to buff to a deep shine.

Wooden furniture polish no. 2

Use 3 parts light minerał oil and 1 part olive oil and a drop of lemon juice.

Wooden furniture polish no. 3

30ml/1/8 cup food grade linseed oil 30ml/1/8 cup vinegar 60ml/1/4 cup lemon juice

Mix ingredients, using soft cloth. rub into wood.



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