270 271 index

270 271 index

270 1NDEX

Cold wali, 116, 232 Computer forecasting, 180 Condensation nuclei, 9 Continental air masses, 108, 111 Convection, 16 Convergcnce, 116 Coriolis force, 28 Cumulonimbus, 55 Cumulus, 55

Currcnts, generał, 209, 217, 229 annual and sccular variation, 236 Arctic Ocean, 228 Atlantic, North, 217 main circulation, 217 Antilles current, 218 Bay ofBiscay, 220 Bjornoya current, 219 Black Sca, 220 Canary current, 218 East Greenland current, 219 East Svalbard current, 219 Equatorial countcr-currcnt, 218 Florida current, 217 Guinea current, 218 Gulfof Mcxico, 220 GulfofSt Lawrcncc, 220 GulfStrcam, 218 Irminger current, 219 Labrador current, 219 Litke current, 219 Mcditcrrancan, 220 Murmańsk current, 218 North Atlantic current, 218 North Cape current, 218 North Equatorial current, 217 North Sea and English Channel, 219 Novaya Zemlya current, 218 Portugal current, 218 West Greenland current, 219 West Svalbard current, 219 Atlantic, South, 220 Bengurla current, 221 Brazil current, 221 Falkland current, 221 South Equatorial current, 220 Southern Ocean current, 221 Atlascs of, 209

Causcs and Characteristics of, 229

charting of, 212

circulation, generał, 217

complex, 230

cflcct of wind on, 229

gradient, 230

history of, 209

Indian Ocean, North, 221

Red Sea and Gulf of Aden, 222

Currents, Indian Ocean (continiud) South, 222

Agulhas current, 223 Equatorial countcr-current, 223 Moęambiquc current, 223 obscrvations of, 209 Pacific, North, 224 Alaska current, 225 Aleutian, 225 California, 225 China Seas, 226 Davidson current, 225 East Sakhalin current, 226 Equatorial countcr-current, 224 Japan Sca, 226 Kamchatka current, 225 Kuro Shio, 224 Liman current, 226 North EquatoriaI, 224 North Pacific current, 224 Oya Shio, 225

South Equatorial current, 224 Tsushima Shio, 226 Pacific South, 226

East Australia coast current, 227 El Nifto current, 227 Peru current, 227 South Equatorial current, 226 Southern Ocean current, 227 Current, predominant, charts of, 213 relation with wind, 231 rosc charts, 214 seasonal and monsoon, 236 strength of, 235 use of information on, 211 vector mcan, 212 warm and cold, 235 wind drift, 229 Cyclogencsis, 126 Cyclonc, 139, 140 Cyclostrophic wind, 34

Dangerous scmicirde (of tropical storms), 157

Data, manipulation of, 71 Depressions, 23

deepening and filling of, 179 due to topography, 128 familiesof, 125 filling and dissolution of, 123 lec, 128

life history, 117 movemcnt of, 177 non-frontal, 127 sccondary,’i27 structurc of, 107

Depressions (continued) thermal, 127 wcathcr in, 124 Dcw-point, 8

in rclation to cargo carc, 17 Diurnal variation of prcssurc, 24 radiation fog, 62 temperaturo, 10 Divergence, 116 Doldrums, 83 Dry-bulb thermometer, 10 Dust, 63

Dynamical cooling, 12 heating, 12

Earth’s rotation, cflcct of, 26 Energy exchangc between sca and atmosphere, 263 Equatorial airmass, 108 Etcsian wind, 88 Extrapolation, 195 Eyc, ofstorm, 142

Facsimile charts, 187 Families of depressions, 125 Fast ice, 242 Fetch, 45

Filling, of depressions, 123 Fog:

advcction, 62 audibility, of sound in, 65 distribulion of, 104, 105 formation of, 60 mixing, 64

Ncwfoundland arca, 103 North-wcst Pacific, 103 polar regions in summer, 106 radiation, 61 sea, 62

forecasting of, 197 usc of radar in, 65

Forecasts: see also under Wcathcr forc-casting

forshipping, 184 local, 195

movemcnt of fronts, 194 usc of synoptic charts in, 176 usc of uppcr-lcvcl charts in, 177 of wavc charactcristics, 44 Frcczing point ofsea water, 238, 239 Friction, cflcct on wind, 30 Fronts: aretie, 112 cold, 120 dcfinition of, 112 flxing the position of, 174

Fronts (continued)

in relation to isobars, 175

intertropical convcrgencc zonę, 113

Meditcrranean, 113

movement of, 194

polar, 112, 118

uppcrcold, 123

warm, 118

wcathcr associatcd with, 120 Frost-point, 8 Frostsmoke, 64

General circulation (ofwind), 74 Gcostrophic scalc, 32 wind, 29

Glacicr berg, 247 tonguc, 247

Global wind circulation, 80 Gradient current, 230 wind, 32 Grcgalc, 88

Hadley celi, 79 Hail, 57 Harmattan, 88 Hazc, 63

Heat capacity of water, 262 of the land, 263

Heat exchangc in atmosphere, 4 Height of waves, 41 High, or anticyclone, 24 High prcssurc, ridge of, 24 High, subtropical, 83, 86 Hoar frost, 9 Horse latitudcs, 86 Humidity—see Water vapour, 7,8 Humidity distribution, 97 mcasurement of, 9 relativc, 8 Hurricancs, 139 Hygromctcrs, 9


Antarctic—see Southern hcmisphcrc brash, 244 cakes, 239 clearancc of, 243

distribution—see Northern or Southern hcmisphcrc fast ice, 242

distribution of, 240, 242 first-ycar, 240 floes, 239 formation of, 238 frazil, 239 grease, 239


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