274 IjXDEX
274 IjXDEX
Temperaturę (continued)
sea—see air and sea temperaturę, 95 distribution of, 95 effect of radiation on, 262 Tendency, barometric, 25, 178 Tephigram, 14 Thermal depression, 127 Thcrmal winds, 129 Thermomctcr, dry-bulb, 10 wct-bulb, 10 Thickncss charts, 177 Thundcrstorms, 57 Tornado, 90
Tracks, of tropical storms, 145 Trade wind, 84 Tropical revolvingstorms: action to be taken in, 156 associatcd weather, 144 causes, 144
dangerous semicircle, 157 deiinitions, 139 dcscription of, 140 frequcncy—su local distribution local distribution:
Arabian Sea, 148 BayofBengal, 149 eastern North Pacific, 151 South China Sea, 150 south-east Indian Ocean, 152 south-west Indian Ocean, 151 south-west Pacific Ocean, 153 West Indics and North Atlantic, 147 western North Pacific, 150 movcmentof, 145 radar pictures, 155 regional distribution, 145 rules of avoiding, 157, 158 satellite pictures, 155 scasonal variation, generał, 146 structure, 140 usc ofsafety sector, 160 warnings by Met Services, 155 warning signs, 153 windsin, 139-140 Tropopause, 2 Troposphere, 2
Trough (lowprcssurc), 24, 134 Turbulcncc cloud, 50 Typhoon, 139, 150
Upper-air charts—su Winds aloft, 129, 177.
Upper-air circulation, 91 Uppcr cold front, 123 Upwelling, 231
Vector quantitics, representation of, 71 Vector mean wind, 72 Vcntillation, 17 Vertical instability, 13 depression due to, 127 Yisibility, 59 at night, 59,64 causc of rcduced, 60 measurement of, 59 inetcrs, 64
Warm air mass, 111 anticyclonc, 133 front, 118 occlusion, 121 pool, 131
Waler, efFect on radiation, 5 heat capacity of, 262 vapour, 2,5, 7,8-10 Waterspouts, 90 Wavcs, 38
forccasting, 44 form of, 41 groups, 41 height, 39
in shallow water, 44 length, 39
maximum height, 42 period, 39 rccorder, 41 significant height, 42 speed, 39 valuc of data, 47 Weather Bulletins, Atlantic, 184 Weather charts, use of, 194 codcs uscd in, 190 Weather forccasting, 176 numcrical, 180 use of upper-lcvcl charts, 177 Weather map, 165
codes employed in, 170 Weather routeing—see Ship routeing, 199 Weather stations, 67 Wet-bulb thermometer, 10 Willy-Willy, 152 Wind (generał), 26
and air movement on rotating earth, 26
and pressure Systems, 74
Beaufort scalę of, 26
circulation around pressure systems, 30
cyclostrophic, 34
determination of from isobars, 31
effect of friction, 30
gcographical distribution of, 74
geostrophic, 29
gradient, 32
Wind (continued)
local—see under Local winds, 87 mcasurement of, 26 pressure excrtcd by, 38
Wind (<continued) rosę, 71
structure of, 35
World Mctcorological Organization, 182
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