Designer Barbara Mclntire

Mountoinfop, PA

"IVt been knitting on and off for 25 years, bul moro teriously for the lott five. My knitting focus it toxture and cable patterm. I tforled o tmall knitting group ttYcrol yeart ago becaute I enjoy the company of other knitters. I om a uprofetsionol volunteer" for our public library, and I teach knitting for community education. My hutband and I have fwo sons, 22 and 19 yeors oUL

~The Sajcon braid cable in Barbara Walker $ book caught my attention sevtral ytart ogo and I wanted to make it the focal point of my tquare. The broided rib cable complementt the Saxon braid to make o lovely example o f A/an patteming." | Barton fcktatirt Sguar*




Cast on 54 sts. Work 3 ridges, mc 22 sts evenly across last (RS) row—76 sts. Foundation row (WS) K5. p2, k2, p2. ki. [p2, k2) twko, (p4. k4) 4 times, p4.

(k2. p2) lwice. ki. p2. k2. p2. k5. B*g Choru A, B, C and D: Row I (RS) K3, work 17 sts Chart A. 4 sts Chart B, 28 sts Chart C, 4 sts Chart D. 17 sts Chart A. k3. Keeping first and last 3 sts in garter st (k every row), work charts as estabkshcd until square measurcs approx IW from beg, end with a WS row. Work 3 ndges. dec 22 sts evenły across first row—S4 sts. Bind off. n


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