370 (21)

370 (21)



222 Countrywoman wearing a purse slung from her girdle c. 1325-35 (after the Luttrell Psalter, BL Add.MS 42130 f.l63v)

223 Man wearing a tasselled purse containing coins c. 1325-35 (after the Luttrell Psalter, BL Add. MS 42130 f.l86v)

224 Man wearing a leather pouch on his abdomen c. 1325-35 (after the Luttrell Psalter, BL Add. MS 42130 f.l97b)

225 Gamekeeper wearing a gamebag, in addition to a pouch and a knife, from his girdle c. 1340 (after The Romance of Alexander, MS Bodl. 264 f. 138)


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