Yotiuba gaincd a larg* foothoid m the buvncw market with tbe heSp of Kira'5 power^ Kowever. the rapfcl increjoe of Its lurr>cvcr caught the attention of the Japjnese inve*tigation team After the capture of suspect Hlguchi. Yotsuba*s shares płummeted
Aw<4tcd • n
the Yotsuba** K.»ra
The media pfayed an łmportan: rofe It was used to propagate news about Kira whlch before the mcdia*s intervention. rud only an internet presence TV corporations afco madę use of Kłra'$ name to improve their viewer ratings
In order to remove the suspicion that he was Kira. Light had to create a new Kira through Rem. Rem discovered Yotsuba Corporation and contacted its leaders. making one of them the new Kira
The Japanese investlgation team communicated with the second Kira CMisa) through the media The media piayed an essentiai role in the capture of the Yotsuba‘$ Kira At this time. the media had yet to show its inciination towar ds supporting Kira
It did not aa on the knowredge that Kira was a crimłnal on the loose in Japan. it was or.ły on l's reguest that a team of agents were sent to Japan to help the łrwestigation. After aM its agents m Japan were kiited. the FBI withdrew its decision to help in the Kira łnvestigation
<’ V 0 i‘ V» i L v, .V ’ ■# ' V1:. U ’ \ J A | |
Higuchi |
Kica |
x wu teu fv^Mtvar rf WAS O* TV€ft Rcsuts*- nur n* was fł/OLYW.
wu vt r, l...
JAPAtfS twest*-
tn order tOprO-
te cc
the IW 0* •ethe itste** nUłtśŁ they were order Ctcctn-
Ught had a hunch that the FBI was investłgating the Kira case and he acted before he was even madę a suspect He successfuliy kłiled au the F8I agents lnvolved. It was this incident that gave L hope in obtaining evidence against Kira
Rtye wk kMed be<M* ht got cK*e to Kk* Tha H one irckient in whit/i Kin kńlcd an inraocert OHng
* Kita first appeared in the year 2003 * •9>7he war between Kira and L went on for a year
Japan*a investigation teas
- In the end, there were only Uve people [F •* t
owtof thcwholcof iapanspo-Nccforcc J .. * r irj ^KPmL ‘
fjęfrjfcj wh0 were wilhng to stay on the Kira - , ? I '
investigation team with 1. Under L'$ -WYi, ru'! * pv
Command. they started withctaesleft ^ /'* Vl ' V MVa Vrf
Wya the truth. Howcvcr. with Kira** E bywm* r 1 <, Ąk> /
J&&t9 cunnlng manipulation the ®-L~-* -—Uftu-A-
lnvesttgation was stopped short Tbty f Airhaugb fbis team 6 /ar /ram pertect, it /s caught the Yotsuba‘5 Kira. but L died. fitaofOptMstic enthufissm *ndpotcnti*l $S*~jCA tittńng the situatłon drastJtadiy
L InsfctCd that Light was Kira and goc close to Light on purpose Light took t his opportunity to enter the investlga:lon team Oespite pushing Light to his breaking iimits. L missed the last clue to identifyłng Kira*s true identity and his ground breakmg deductions went to waste
He attracted support and madę the world accept Kira's ways. leavtng L as his only enemy. He controaed the second Kira M.sa. and ailowed Higuchi to take over the Kira rotę
The YotsuDas Kira hele* authonty over key poliucai figures and used this to threaten the potice, compelling them to give up on the Kira investigation. This was how Light had płanned things to happen
+* Afltr iGtJimur* g*v* tr*t piece of news to $o*c/*rOL the metrt>rrs of
the W*r*\e ‘hWUtę*-tion te*n hjtć to re*gn tron the pc*ce face in order to COhOnoe wrfl thetOri towsdpcfert
Oespite the inaOMty of tópan’s poHce force, there were stiił some peopłe conducting private invcsttgatśons on Kira They contrlbuted to the capture of the Yotsuba*s Kira
W L U*
W »
** twi IM TO **f*OCU
t Ai7.a*łA. Who fust len iapans lnvest(Qjrtion team. /ed the prlvste Kjra