

Finished Size: Approximately 4:/T diameter

Additional Materials: Smali round uninflated balloon and A" fiat paint brush.

Nofe; Tracing paper. waterproof marking pen, and a resealable plastic bag are not required. Rust-proof straight pins are optional.



Ch 3. ★ YO. insert hook in ring. YO and puli up a loop, YO and draw through 2 loops on hook: repeat from ★

3    times morę. YO and draw through all 5 loops on hook.


(abbreuiated dc Cluster)

★    YO. insert hook in sp indicated. YO and puli up a loop. YO and draw through 2 loops on hook; repeat from ★ 4 times morę, YO and draw through all 6 loops on hook.


(abbreuiated dtr Cluster)

★    YO 3 times. insert hook in st indicated, YO and puli up a loop, (YO and draw through 2 loops on hook) 3 times; repeat from ★ 2 times morę. YO and draw through all

4    loops on hook.


Ch 10; join with slip st to form a ring.

Rnd 1 (Right side): Work Beginning Cluster. ch 3. (work dc Cluster in ring. ch 3) 5 times: join with slip st to top of Beginning Cluster: 6 Clusters.

Notę: Loop a short piece of thread around any stitch to mark Rnd 1 as right side.

Rnd 2: Slip st in next 2 chs. ★ (ch 5. work dtr Cluster in fifth ch from hook) twice, ch 5, slip st in fifth ch from hook to form a ring. ch 1. 7 sc in ring. slip st in same ch as slip st at top of last dtr Cluster. (ch 5. work dtr Cluster in fifth from hook) twice. slip st in next ch-3 sp; repeat from ★ around; finish off.


Rnd 1 (Right side): Work same as First Side: 6 Clusters. Notę: Mark Rnd 1 as right side.

Rnd 2 (Joining rnd): Slip st in next 2 chs. ★ (ch 5, work dtr Cluster in fifth ch from hook) twice. ch 5. slip st in fifth ch from hook to form a ring. ch 1. 3 sc in ring. ch 1, holding Snow-flakes with wrong sides together. slip st in fourth sc on corresponding point of First Side. slip st in ch-1 betwoen Snow-flakes. 4 sc in same ring on Second Side, slip st in same ch as slip st at top of last dtr Cluster, (ch 5. work dtr Cluster in fifth ch from hook) twice. slip st in next ch-3 sp: repeat from ★ around: finish off.


Wash Snowflake using a mild detergent and w!arm water. Rinse thoroughly. Roli piece in a clean terry towel and gently press out the excess moisture. Lay piece fiat and allow' to dry completely.

Place uninflated balloon between First and Second Sides and inflate until Snowflake is filled. Knot the balloon.

Paint fabric stiffener onto all parts of both sides of Snowflake except centers and joinings.

Position the components of the Snowflake as symmetrically as possible and allow to dry completely

Burst and remove balloon.

Press centers together; pin if necessary. Paint fabric stiffener onto centers and joinings: allow to dry completely.

See Starching Tips 6 and 7. page 55.

Make loop hanger using translucent nylon thread.

Design by Faye Sbe/ton.



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