Speclal Abbrevlation
PiCCt = make 2ćh. ?.! st inlc firot Ol UWfSe
Mske 10:ń, filst ln*o lirsi cli tc form 3 ring. 1S! round:'ch. into ring work 5SC,' piCOl. [3sc, I o roi] ‘-vcc. 3sc. sl st into lirst sc. 2nd round: ter., 1sc into same sl iis last Sl S’, *12011, skip [4sc. I pfcot. 3sol, 1$C -IG nexr sc; rep froirt ' once -ner;, 12ch, Sl Stinlc lirst sc.
3rd round: $! sl intolirst 1£charch, ich, into ssohofiheg archCS wOrk [Isc. 1 hdc. 2cic, Sir. 2dc.* hec. : sc]. sl st fnio first SC. 4th round: 'tell. 'sc into naje: hdc. Ich. ["dc into uext st. Ich; 13 :ime$, t;c Ir.to
nexl hdc. 1ch. sl st ima each of noxt 2sc: ■ sp rrom * twice moro Cliii linę 1 si st st Oftd Ol Sas! rap.
5th round: Si sl irito each of rks; [sl st, Oh sp. sc and ch sp' ich, mc same cli sp os laslsl st work [Isc. 4ch. Isc], into each o; nsxr 13 cń sps *oix [Isc. 4ch. Isc]. "len, sl Sl ir.lo each ot naxt [sc. ęh sp, 2 si sra. ch Sp, SC arie ch sp]. Ich. inro sarna sp as as: sl s: work (1 sc. 4ch. 1 sc]. into esch ofncxl 13ch sps worit [Isc. ich. 1 sc]: rap frorr. * c.rc.9. mero, t eh, sl st into each ol 'ast [sc. ch sp and sl st]. Fasien oii.
Make 3ch. sl st into first ch to tomi a nnp 1st round: ich. werk 15sc imo ring. sl r into first sc.
2nd round: Och. skip first 3sc, fs! Ot intc next sc. 5ch. skip ?$c] a limes, sl st intc Sl Sl at enti of prsvtous rourd.
3rd round: SI s: in:c first Och srch. icr. into sama arch and eacll ot naxi 4 arches work [isc. 1hcc. 5cc.r hdc. i sc], sl st first sc. (ś petals).
4th round: Ich.wwfcingbohind each pat a? C? orc.ńous round. work I sl sr .nto las* sl st cc, 2nd round, Sen, [i sf st into nex: fil St CP 2nd round. 3ch] 4 nmes. sl st Intc samą st as first & Si at bog ol rounc.
5t'n roundt Sl st imo lirst 3ch arch. ter imo same arch and each of next -1 archer work [ 1 sc. 1 hdc. 8dc, 1 hdc, 1 SC]. sl s: im: first SC.
6th round: 2cn. wotking bohind each pat sl of prev:pu$ round work 1 sl st into las-si st on 2nd round, 10ch. [1 Si sl irito ne>
Si St on 2nd round. 10ch] 4 rimes, Sl St 'v -. same st as first sl St al beg of round.
7th round: Si sr intc first iccll arch. Ich v/crk 15SC irito same arch and imo eac-* ol naxt -i archCS. Sl st Intc first sc.
Sth round: 31 st into nesfl sc, *[4ch. skd
1 sc. fil st into noxt sc; C timas. tum. woń j
2 sl sts imo rlrs: dch arch, |^ch, sl st im: next 4ch archi 5 6 mes. tum work 2 si sti into first -ich aren, [4ęh, sl St fnio r.e: 4Ch arclii 4 limes. turn. y/erk 2 s1 S!S ir—r first -ich arch, [4ęh. sl st intc na.-4ch arch] 3 limes. tum. work 2 si StS im: ■ tir3l 4ch arch, ]4ch, st st into na; •ich a> Cli] lwica, turn. -werk 2 sl sts imo t, 4ch a-cri, ach, sl st Into ri«xt arch 3-: fasten ofl’. [Tum. skip naxt 2sc on : round. rejoin ysrn to next SC and rap fre-—
’ tc *] 4 limes.
70 Acbrawafone and Symbals c:n p-ir •