— = Padding thread
: cecial Abbreviation
; cot = make 3ch. sl sl into lirst ol liiese
3rd round: ich, work 3sc into each of the t 5 2ch spS. sl st inlO firsl sc.
4th round: ich. werk isc into same sc as last sl st. 'Gch. skip 5sc. 1sc into rawt sc: rep front 1 6 limes mc1©, 6ch. & st inio lirst
5th round: Si sl into lirst 6ch arch. ich. v/crk [1 sc.' hdc. 6-dc. 1 hdc. 1 sc] r.tc each ot the 8 ech arches. sl st Into first sc. {B paUtls workyd).
ist round: Make ifjch. s'. r.i .-.tn lirst ch ;:irsł tóóp forntyd). [1ćch. si st into same ch as ta3r sl s:] tv/ica.
2nd round: Toń, working over padding IhreacłS worfi (28sc iulo nyxt loop. I si sl "to same ch as sl "s of lirst rouncTJ 3 limes.
3rd round: Sl st intn each nf tirsl 3SC; ich. Isc into same st as last sl st. Isc into each oł next 2?,-c [skip 4sc, isc into each of ftOxt 24SCJ lwico, 17Ch. working ovcr padding lhreBds work 'sc into 2nd ch rrorri book. 1 sc into each ci next 15ch. sl st into first sc. Faster. cfi.
6lh round: ich, working hehinri each pet-ul ol pruvious rcui-d. Y/oik ISC inio lirst SC on 4ih rc.,nd. 1?ch. t sc intn nexr sc on 4:h rcund: rep tram ‘ 6 tirt-as morę. 7cb. sl st Into lirst SC
7th round: SJ st into tirst 7on arch. lor,. work[1sc. littic. 7dc, ihdc, Iscjinlo uacli ci the 8 • <r< arclies, sl st into lirst sc.
8th round; 1ch. werkir.g bshinć each pyt-s of preyioua round. work Isc into firstsc ołiGIft round, ‘Sch, 1sc -ilo nyx! scort 5lti round; rep front' 6 limes morę, BChj ? st into lirs: sc.
91 h rouno: &. st irtc tiret Ben arch. ich. werk [1 sc. 1 hdc. 2do. 1 pico;, 3ćo. 1 picot, 3dc. i hdc. Isc] into each ot the 8 Sch a--chcs. sl sl inio i 'Si sc. i osice cl.
■ e 2ch. sl sf into tirsl ch to form a ring. • st round: 3C't (count as 1 cc), work 15dc - : ring. si st into 3rd of 3ch at beg ot
:id round: uch {count as tdc. 2ch). [1dc rr: npxl dc, Pelt) 15 times, Si ST Into 3rrf cf ~ at beg of round.