2nd round: *1ch. working into nsx: 9ch !oop and cvor padding threads work [2sc.' hc'c 11 dc. 1 hc‘C: 2SC]. 1 Cl), sl Si into same ch as sl ślą ot iirst round; cep Irom * rwioe moro.
3rd round: fi! st ir.to CPCli ol Hrsl 3 sts or tirSi luc-p. [16ch. skip fiest 8 sts oc. ncxl icc-p. sl sr into riexl <iz\ tw.ea, iGch. sl sl in:a same dc as i(xs>. sl st at bag oł round. 4th round: ‘.eh. working over padding threads. work 1$c -:!c sama co as łasi S! si o- previous rcund. 19sc Into lirC! 16ch arch, [isc into samo c'c as next si si Ol previous round. iSsc into ncxl ■ 6ch arch] lwice. Si St into lirsl sc. GOsć 5th round: 8ch (coum as Ido. hen), skip nexl fisc, fidc lnic nc/.l sc. 5ch. skip 3=c] 14 limes, sl st into firn o; <5ph a! Ocg of round-
6th round: fil st into fiest 3Ch Ol iirst arch. tell. working over padding threads work asc -nto Iirst aren, 7sc into each of .-ex: U , a-Clies. 3sc irtc- sama arch as fiest ^SC, sl st into firsf SC
7th round: Gch. [skip nex; 6sc. sl st into next sc] ta trmes, 6Ch, Sl st into sama ac PS lOSt sl st o: p:av;ou5 round.
8th round: ich, into oach Gch arch and over padding threads work ksc, (1 piCOl, 2JC] 3 limes. Si st into first sć and rasten otf.
Speclal Apprevfation isi round: Maks i Och. =: st inro first ch,
co: - make' 3ch, sl st into iirst c; trasę [Gch. sl st into samech os lusl sl sl] lwice cr (3 toops formed).
Make 6Cll, sl st into first ch 1c form a ri.-.g and ccr.lir.u9 as iciiows:
1Ch. werk [1sc. I2ch] I2i:mes nto ring. =i st into firm SC. Fasien oll
^ = Picot