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Since lavender has bug repelling properties. sleep time is not only sweet and relaxing, but reassuring as well. After placing fresh pillowcases on the pillows. sprinkle a smali amount of this herbal powder inside the cases. Another good combination is a smali amount of mint added to the lavender.

Lint remover

Keep lint from clinging to your dark clothes by adding TI0ml/1/2 cup vinegar to the rinse cycle.


Dc±) vinegar on the soiled areas to kill the mildew. Let the item sit in the sun for a few hours and then wash separately from other items.

Moth repellent

To freshen. wash and repel moths from your clothes. add 2 teaspoons of tea tree oil to your washing machinę.

Cloves, rosemary. Iavender and thyme. can go a long way to keeping your stored fibres clean. fresh and moth free.


Add 1/2 teaspoon tea tree oil to your laundry for towels and other fabric prone to getting mouldy.

Nappies - stubborn stains

Soak or rinse your nappies in water with a dessertspoon fuli of bicarbonate of soda. to help budge stubborn stains. Sunlight has a bleaching effect, so simply hanging out nappies to dry in the sun will help to fade any stains that may persist on nappies after washing.


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