50 (102)

50 (102)

Your lełłens

What inspires you to stitch? What are your favourite designs ever? We’d like to hear anything and everything about you and your stitching, so write to us today...

How to contact


CrossStitcher Magazine,

30 Monmouth Street Bath



crossstitcher@futtj renet.com

ISAW these projects in present for when she moves issues 243 and 244 and into her new home. Thanks

earrings-look atthoseteeny Algerian eyes!

stitched them for my sister.    for a great magazine. I look
The teacup as a pincushton forward to my copy being is a realty novel idea and the de(ivered every month! little home sachet is a great Fay Wafte, Comwall

What a jewel

I wanted to tliank you for being

my inspiration! I Iove your

designs, especially the smali ones,

and 1 always try to use them my

way. I lovedyourcountry-style



Jennie used some crafty initiatiue on issue 237’sfree kit

ITHOUGHTI would try something a little different with issue 237’s free gift. I used the butterf ly pattern from inside the same issue [nstead of the bircis, and I think I quite like it! Hope you like it too.

Jennie Mantle, Dorset

Our star letter winner will

receive this Hugs And Kisses    n j 11N f /~i

bouąget worth £25-99.    dLJINIL^I

www.bunches.co.uk 0800 626 249


by port



banner for the kitchen from the October 2009 issue, and last year I stitched it on aida band for my mother. But diat wasn’t enough for nie! 1 just loved the new stitch that I learned in the project - the Algerian eye stitch - and decided to use it for stitching earrings (above). 1 wanted to challenge myselfand tried to stitch smallest biscornu that 1 could. And 1 did! Each one is just 4x4 squares, with 2x2 squares of Algerian eye stitch. I stitched diem on five different colours of 14 count aida, and madę them into earrings. I just love wearing them. Again, thanks for being such an inspiration!

Each issue of your magazine gives me lots of new ideas, I j ust wish I had morę time to bring them alltolife.

Anna Szwedzinska, USA


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