Therapy for the extensor carpi radialis longus.
Starting Position: P: Supine; arm flexed approx-imately 90° and fully medially rotated; forearm flexed and fully pronated; wrist fully volar and ulnar flexed. T: Standing facing P’s right side.
Grip: T's right hand grips wrist and proximal part of P’s hand from the dorsal side while stabilizing P’s wrist in fuli volar and ulnar flexion with the forearm fully pronated. T’s left hand stabilizes P’s upper arm at the dorsal side just proximal to the elbow.
Procedurę: Using this grip. T gradually and fully extends at P’s elbow and simultaneously draws the forearm in the ulnar direction.
Stimulation of Antagonists: T reverses right-hand grip, moving right hand to volar side of P's right hand, and moving left hand to ventral side of P’s elbow. T then asks P to move further in the direction of stretching, and resists that movement to stimulate P’s antagonists.
Notę: This techniąue and therapy is especially use-ful in treating epicondylitis.
Fig. 35 a. Starting Position.
Fig. 35 b. Finał Position