85 (165)
Therapy for the subclavius. P lying on sicie.
Starting Position: P: lying on left side; right upper arm held against sidc of thorax with clbow ficxed. T: Standing behind P, facing oblique towards P's head.
Grip: T’s right hand grips P’s right clbow. Ts left hand grips P’s right shoulder with the left forearm supporting the dorsal aspect of P's thorax.
Fig. 69 a. Starting Position.
Procedurę: Using this grip, T then asks P to exhale (thus lowering the ribs) while he/she gradually and fully pushes P’s shoulder girdle cranially at the elbow.
Stimulation of Antagonists: T retains grip and asks P to lift the shoulder maximally in the direction just stretched. T resists that movement to stimu-late P's antagonists.
Notę: For alternative techniąue, see Volume I (therapy 2.2.7, p. 28).
Fig. 69 b. Finał Position.
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