Make a lp the md c€ che >am. htround 16 K. M roW. Rep * poę
com of 5 dc (tun w*h 3 chX 3 dr Jerf 'o**4: A round of « 4tk llfk ro**ł*: Make akcmaiei) rtm\
of pcocomł aod iwi of ic 'W; Rep łhdl <2 dc, 2 ch.
3S Cf* M ĆMtttCf (approi. 15 lAcfact).
Ymh It CO. 4S S. Uod CfOChet hooi a. 7 <Łsscrej KMUl n. Otf>l
2 dek 5 ch‘ Uikl4th nWt; Same werk increatiaf che number of ch Łet**eti che thetk I5M-Itak 'o*mJs: Work popcorn* bet •teaihetheih. 20tk-2Jrd rc*ńd%: Rcfcf 10 dsaatf*. 24f*
Sun ihc ptneacoJet Mich 10 dc for che ha* 2frk munj 9 te* of S ch for che lice 26rk Jlu roatadi. Rcfer u> drawin^ J2*d Stan t>c 2nd to* of pocą PPie* %»uh II dc for che ha* JJaś ratuj: 10 Ipt of 3 ch for che lace S4tk-S6tk_ nąndi: Rcfcr
k' the ch bet■ cen ihe pmeappk* a* per dne*t$.