Morn up to a MAJ\TS motorcycle
Cci a BIG. bold USA LIGHT.MNG and yi-u’11 firul ili.ii werylmiy wunls a r.ilf! The high-pcrtormaui*: appeal of this cc (40 eubie inrli} liigh-iori|ue engine romes inlo its oku «t cvery "rcv” jange. You :■«**. thwe'6 no conelanl gi-ji rliiliing uer-ileil iu Icecp your i-pccd up. Whoihcr your paeeengor iń liult- sistór <ir InTly 250 pnund pal, I IOHTN1NC hig-cnpBcity povci gct9 you botli up hills in high g«ar ai luli npwil. And v»h»t apeedf Big 050 I.ICHTMNC acoclcratca liki; a rockćt! HO'I ROD iriagazini* said it Kas the fiu-test motorcyclc they cvcr lested! Supcrb handlinp and ntagnifici-ul load-rai-ing lypi* braki**. Fininhcd m mrtnllic red cnamcl. brightly polisbod alloy and lasiałi unr? ni’ i-lminn*. Sm* I.ICHTMNC .il yhur B*A dealer!
Uriir m Łln lumwp /orrniy Anwb ftr /.«• emofoi: u) aII ihr mu 19*" DS.t JWufi-it. • f.ulutiii.* l./f«r limit ni In t‘.S. rrdilmlt.) Sp<VI /itiiliuM mnv Aigrr d\$>ty ktwetn Cortem onl (Tntan mmIrin.
i 30TJ Broadway, Oakland, Calilorola Mfill
cnrn. i 6» Pim« A.erue. Nutoy, New Jersey 0?1<0
li inol •< BSA i« win ih« WORLDS CHAM1’I0.\SHIP Iwo y**r* m * r<iw' JelT Smilh won il in 190-1. and agiin in 19fa, pn liw BSA Vieior <41 Orand Prix SeramWer.
JUNE 1966