97 (83)

97 (83)

188 The Viking Age in Denmark

C. Fyn, etc.

Skovmand 1942II.A numbers: 26 i b, 271 b, 28 i b, 28a i b, 30 i b, 311 a, 32 C a, 33 Cb.

Total weight 3,904 g. Average weight 488 g.

D. Sjaclland, etc.

Skovmand 1942 II A numbers: 35 C a, 36 C a, 37 C a, 39 C a, 40 C a, 41 C a, 42 C b, 43 I a, 44 I b, 45 I a, 46 C b, 47 I b, 48 C b, 501 a, 51 C b, 52 C a. Total weight 32,012 g. Average weight 2,001 g.


E. Bornholm.

Skovmand 1942IIA numbers: 53Cb, 54Cb, 55Ca, 56Cb, 57Ca, 59Cb, 60 i b, 61 i a, 63 i b, 64 C b.

Total weight 3,648 g. Avcrage weight 365 g.

F. South-west Skane.

Skovmand 1942IIC numbers: 1 C b, 3 C a, 5 C a, 61 b, 8 i a, 91 a, 101 a, 11 i b, 12 I b, 13 i b, 14 C a, 16 C a, 20 i a, 21 i b.

Skovmand 1942, 141 notę 1 (Varpinge): i a.

Hardh 1976 numbcr 90: i b.

Total weight 11,886 g. Averagc weight 743 g.

G. North-east Skane, Halland and Blekinge Skovmand 1942 II C numbers: 221 b, 23 I b, 24 a (find) C b, 24 b (find) C b, 26 I a, 28 I b, 29 C b, 31 C a, 32 C a.

Total weight 3,544 g. Average weight 394 g.



Adam Brcmensis = W. Trillmich (cd.), Rimberti Vita Anskarii &Magistri Adam Bremensis: Gęsta Hammaburgensis ecclesiae Pontificum, in R. Buchner (cd.), AusgewdhlteQuellen zur deutschen GeschichtedesMittelaltersXI, Berlin 1961.

Anglo-Saxon Chronicie = D. Whitelock (ed.), The Anglo-Saxon Chronicie, London 1961.

Annales Francorum = R. Rau (ed.), Annales Regni Francorum, Annales Bertiniani & Annales Fuldenses ( = Quellen zur karotingischen Reichsgeschichte I-III), in R. Buchner (ed.), Ausgewdhlte Quellen zur deutschen Geschichte des Mittelalters V-VII, Berlin 1955-60.

Annales Fuldenses = Annales Francorum.

Diplomatarium Danicum = Christensen & Nielsen 1975 = C. A. Christensen & H. Nielsen (eds), Diplomatarium Danicum, 1 raekke, 1 bind, Copenhagen 1975.

Ethelwerdi Chronicorum = R. Pauli (ed.), Ethelwerdi Chronicorum Libri Quatuor, in G. H. Pertz et al. (eds), Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Scriptorum XIII, Hanover 1881.

Gregorius Turonensis = R. Buchner (ed.), Gregorii episcopi Turonensis Histortarum Libri Decem, in R. Buchner (cd.), Ausgewdhlte Quellen zur deutschen Geschichte des Mittelalters II-III, Berlin 1955-6.

King Alfred = J. Bosworth (cd.), A Description oj Europę and the Voyages oj Othare and Wulfstan, written in Anglo-Saxon by King Alfred the Great, London 1853.

Thietmar = W. Trillmich (ed.), Theitmari Merseburgensis Episcopi Chronicon, in R. Buchner (cd.), Ausgewdhlte Quellen zur deutschen Geschichte des Mittelalters IX, Berlin 1957.

Widukind = A. Bauer & R. Rau (eds), Widukindi res gestae Saxonicae, in R. Buchner (cd.), Ausgewdhlte Quellen zur deutschen Geschichte des Mittelalters VIII, Darmstadt 1971. .

Vita Ansgarii = sec Adam Bremensis or Vita Rimberti.


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