184 The Viking Age in Denmark
APPENDIX .VI: Runestones oj the ‘After Jelling'-type (c. A.D. 1000) with indications ojgeneratioti, sonie titles, etc., oj the deceased) (Figs 6-8)
Sf= Senior, father (etc.)
Sh=Senior, husband B = Brother, etc. (same generation)
J=Junior (son, etc.)
F=Faelle (etc.)
D=Dreng T=Thcgn dd=‘died’
(Double set of same or mutually excluding terms: morę than one dead person on the stone.)
DR numbers: 1 F D dd, 3 dd, 6 dd, 58, 62 F, 63,65, 66 F dd, 67 Sf, 68 F D dd, 69 B, 77 B D, 78J D, 81,82,83 B B, 84,86 B T, 91,94J D, 95,96J, 97J, 98 Sh T, 99 Sh T, 107 B, 108 B dd, 109, 115 T, 116 Sf B, 119, 120, 121 B T, 122 Sf, 123SfT, 127F D, 129T, 130SfT, 131,134,135 B, 138 B, 149, 150,154Shdd, 155 Sh, 213 SfT, 220 B dd, 228 B, 237 B, 258, 259 B dd, 260J, 262 F D, 265, 266 B dd, 268 B D, 269 B, 270 F, 271,275 B, 276 B D, 277 Sh T, 278 B D, 279 F, 280 B, 281,282 B B, 283 B, 287,288 B D, 289 B D, 291 Sf Sh, 293 Sh T, 294 SfT, 295 B, 296 B, 297 B, 298 Sf, 314 B B, 315, 316 F, 317 Sf Sh, 318 Sf F, 321 F, 324 B, 325 Sf, 328 Sf, 329 F, 330 F F D D, 331,334 B dd, 335 F, 337, 338 Sf, 343 SfT, 345 Sf.
APPENDIX VII: Settlements with analyses of animal bone-fragments (Fig. 13)
A. Rural settlements, etc. (Viking Age, etc.)
1. Tofting, south-westjylland (Bantelmann 1955 (G. Nobis); thelatestsample).
2. Elisenhof, south-westjylland (Reichstein 1972, Reichstcin 1973).
3. Saedding, west Jylland (unpublished; number of samples counted).
4. Viborg, north Jylland (M0hl 1968).
5. Karby, north-west Jylland (unpublished; fewT data).
6. Aggersborg, north Jylland (unpublished; from the settlement prior to the fortress).
7. Vejleby, Lolland (M0hl 19712).
8. Lóddekópinge (Vikhógsvagen), west SkSne (Ohlsson 1975-6 (O. Persson)).
9. Karstorp, west SkSne (Ambrosiani et al. 1972 (R. Jonsson)).
10. Fosie, wrest SkSne (Lepiksaar 1973-41).
11. Rinkaby, east Sk^ne (Strómberg 1961 (I. Lepiksaar)).
12. Valleberga, south Sk3ne (Strómberg 1961 (I. Lepiksaar)).
(13. Oxie, west Skanc (Lepiksaar 1973-42; deviating sitc, limited in size).)
B. Fortrcsses (Viking Age)
1. Trelleborg, Sjaelland (N0rlund 1948 (M. I)egerb0l)).
2. Lembecksburg, south-westJylland (Stampfli 1959/61 cf. Requate 19561 and Requate 19562; the site is markedly deviating from the rest of the samples).
C. Towns (Viking Age, etc.)
1. Hcdcby (Harrc 1960, Rcichstein 1973, Reichstcin ct al. 1974; several samples).
2. Ribe (unpublished, cf. Nansen ct al. 1977).
3. Arhus (M0hl 19711).
4. Lund (Ekman 1973; etc.).
D. Slavonian town-fortresses in cast Holstein (Viking Age, etc.)
1. Gikau (Stampfli 1959/61).
2. Oldenburg (Stampfli 1959/61).
3. Scharstorf(Stampfli 1959/61).
E. Early Iron Age, etc., rural settlements (samplc)
1. Feddersen Wierde, at Bremerhafcn (Reichstcin 1972, Rcichstein 1973).
2. Hodorf, Holstein (Bantelmann 1955 (G. Nobis)).
3. Tofting, south-west Jylland (Bantelmann 1955 (G. Nobis); two samples).
4. Dankirke, west Jylland (unpublished; number of samples countcd).
5. Dalsh0j, Bornholm (M0hl 1957).
6. Sortc Muld, Bornholm (M0hl 1957).
APPENDIX VIII: Tenth-century caualry graves with stirrups (all from west and mid-Denmark) (Fig. 34)
C=Chambcr gravc too S = Sword or/and spear A = Axe the only weapon N = No weapons, or no wcapons rccorded
Muller-Wille 19762, 56, numbers: 2 N, 3 C(?) S, 4 C S, 5 S, 6 C S (coin-dated 900-950), 8 C(?) S, 91 N, 92 S, 16 C S (coin-dated 900-950), 20 S, 28 Ship (C) N (A, but probably no weapon), 33 S (cf. Skaarup 1976, 185).
Br0ndsted 1936, numbers: 7 S, 8 S, 9 N, 10 S, 122 S, 14 C S, 17 S, 23 N, 28 A, 33 A, 41 S, 42 N, 49 S, 67 C S, 701 S, 7010 N, 82 N, 873 C S, 88 A, 89" S, 93 (probably grave) S, 95 C S, 106 S, 109 S.
New find (1978): Rosenlund, R0nninge, east Fyn, C S.
APPENDIX IX: 1'enth-century body-of-carriage graues (all from west and mid-Denmark, etc. (Fig. 34).
C=Chambcr grave too S = Stirrup grave on the same graveyard A = Axe grave on the same graveyard
Br0ndsted 1936 numbers: 31 C A, 22,241 C A, 32 (coin-dated 936-962), 40, 432 A, 55 C(?), 56 C (cf. Roesdahl 1974, Roesdahl 1975), 702 S, 703 S, 7018 S (coin-dated 900-950), 921 A.
Lindholm H0je771 A (Ramskou 1976)
Fyrkat IV C(?) A (Roesdahl 19771)
Fyrkat XX C(?) A (Roesdahl 19771)
Sdr. Onsild VII C(?) A (Roesdahl 1976)
H0rning C (Krogh et al. 1961)