98 (82)

98 (82)

190 The Yiking Age in Denmark

Vita Bernwardi = Thangmarus decanus Hildcsheimensis, Vita Bernwardi episcopi Hildcsheimensis = G. H. Pertz ct al. (eds), Monumenta Germaniae His tor i ca, Scriptores IV = Annales aevi Carolini et Saxonici Historiae aevi Carolini et Saxonici, Hanovcr 1841.

Vita Rimberti = G. Waitz (ed.), Vita Anskarii auctore Rimberto, Scriptores rerum Germanicarum, Hanovcr 1884. (Includes Vita Rimberti)

The rcadcr with a knowledge of Nordic languages may benefit from thc translations of selected tcxts in J. Bjemum, Kilder til vikingetidens historie, 2nd ed., Copcnhagen 1965.


B. Aaby, ‘Cyclic climatic variations in climate over the past 5,5(X) yr reflected in raiscd bogs\ Naturę 263 (no 5575) 23 Sep. 1976, 281 ff.

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V. Aalkja^r, ‘Egnen under Arhus’, Skalk 1976, l, llff.

Aarbtfger = Aarbfiger for nordisk Oldkyndighed og Historie.

A eta A rch. = A eta A rchaeologica (Copcnhagen).

E. Albrectsen, Fynske jemaldergraue IV, Graupladsen pa Mfllegardsmarken ved Broholm, Odensc 1971.

B. Ambrosiani, G. Magnussen (& R. Jonsson), Arkeologisk undersokning, 1968-9, Karstorp, Lomma kóping, Skanc. Riksantikuardmbetet rapport 1972 B9 (Stockholm).

H. Andersen, ‘Grydeh0j\ Skalk 1958, 4, 15ff.

H. H. Andersen, P. J. Crabb & H. J. Madscn, ‘Arhus S0ndervold, en byarkaeologisk unders0gelse’,jyi/e Arkaeologisk Selskabs skrifter IX, 1971.

H. H. Andersen, H. J. Madscn 8c O. Voss, ‘Danevirkc’ = Jysk Arkaeologisk Selskabs skrifter XIII, 1976.

S.    W. Andersen, ‘Vikingerne i Lejre’, Historisk arbog fra Roskilde amt 1977, Uff.

A. Andren, ‘Stadsbildcn’, in Martensson 1976, 21 ff.

E. An er, ‘Das Karmncrgraberfcld von Haithabu’, Ojfa 10, 19521 (Nc u munster), 61 ff.

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H. Arbman, Birka, Sueriges dldste handelsstad, Stockholm 1939.

H. Arbman, Birka I, Die Grdber, Stockholm 1943.

T. J. Arne, ‘La Suede et POrient\ Archiuesd’Etudes orientalesH, Uppsala 1914.

G. Balandier, Anthropologie Politiąue, Paris 1967.

A. Bantelmann, ‘Tofting’, Ojfa Bucher N.F.12, 1955 (Ncumunster).

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M. W. Barley (ed.), European Towns: Their Archaeology and Early History, London 1977.

C. J. Becker, ‘Lousgaard 28. Ein Kammergrab des 10 Jahrhunderts am Bornholm’, Acta Arch. XXIV, 1953, 155ff.

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M. Bencard, ‘Ribes vikingetid’, Mark og Mantrę 1973, 28ff.

B.    E. Berglund, ‘Vegetation and hurnan influence in south Scandinavia during prehistorie times’, Oikos (Suppl.) 12, 1969, 9ff.

M. Biddlc, ‘The towns’, in Wilson 1976, 99ff.

H. Birkeland, ‘Nordcns historie i middclaldercn etter arabiskc kildcr’, Skrifter utgitt av Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi i Oslo, II. Hist.- Filos. Klasse, 1954, no 2, Oslo 1954.

C.    Blindheim, ‘Kaupang in Skiringssal’, in Jankuhn et al. 1974, 40ff.

G. A, Blom (ed.), Urbaniseringsprosessen i Norden; Del /, Middelaldersteder, Oslo 1977.

R. Blomqvist, ‘Die alteste Geschichte der Stadt Lund’, in Jankuhn et al. 1974, 128 ff.

S. Bolin, ‘Mohammed, Charlemagne and Ruric’, Scandinauian Economic History Reuiew 1953, 5ff.

A. W. Br^gger, H. Falk, S. Grieg & H. Shctelig, ‘Osebergfunnet’, Utgitt av Den norske stat I-IV, Christiania (Oslo) 1917-28.

H. C. Broholm, Danniarks Bronzealder I-IV, 1943-9 (Copcnhagen).

J. Br0ndsted, ‘Danish inhumation graves of the Viking Age', Acta Arch. VI, 1936, 81 ff.

J. Br0ndsted, Danniarks Oldtid III, Jernalderen, 2nd ed., Copcnhagen 19601.

J.    Br0ndsted, Yikingerne, Copenhagcn 19602.

A. Brown Sc P. Footc (eds), Early lingi i sh and Norse Studies, presented to Hugh Smith in honour ofhis sixtieth birthday, London 1963.

K.    Carlqvist, Wad sager runstenarna?’ Meddelanden frdn ar ki o et for Eolkets historia 5, 4, 1977 (Stockholm).

A. E. Christensen, Vikingetidens Danmark, Copcnhagen 1969.

A. E. Christensen, ‘Thejelling monuments’, MediaenalScandimwia8, 1975, 7ff.


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