ANNA sum09 USA15

ANNA sum09 USA15


bdtting • dried Uvendor • ffcerfi I stuffmg INSTRUCTIONS

1 For A, cut one WtT f (2Si19an) piece of lo?n, for B. cut one 8" (20on) srjuare of linen. Clean-łimsh cut edges 2 Por A. center Oasket motrf from crossslitch chart. above. T (7.Scm) from lower edgc of bnert center 1AVANDULA“ '■*' (2cm) below basket For B. center heart motif of cross-ititch chart. above. 2Vł* (6.5cm| from lower edge of Inen. center 1AVANDULA* W (18 mm) bdow heart.1 With 2 strands of errtxo<kry floss. werk cross-stitch |see page 80). followrtg chart over 2r2 threads Work contours and detaih in backsMch (sec page 80). workmg over 2 threads. 4 For A. work 1AVAN0ULA" in color S. and sew cut-glass beads ameng lavender sew rocailles to upper edge cf basket. S Sew thread ends neatly on back of work. Place finehed embrerdery face down on soft surface and presv 6 For A. pin dark liłac fabric to leien. with nght sides facing and raw edges even. Stitch edges with W (lcm)

14 Anno Summcf 2009


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