ANNA sum09 USA60

ANNA sum09 USA60

NAPKIN RINCS sł^cnp^só

Skill l*vtł r>tcrme<4dłc


Napkr rng about S'/12 bon c irumfefWKc * lV/45cnvwKle


18? Coats *Royale‘ Classk Crochet Thread No. K7 KX)% mercenred cotton: (350 yd taili) I tali each color *449 faest. *494 wctory red. *196 Cardinal, wiali amount cola *428 Mini • |&P Coats 'Royale' Fme Oochel Thread No. 20; X)0% mercenred cotton. cola I2C1 white (400 yd): I bali • sire 10 and 8 (U0 and liOmin) Steel ero chet hooks • fiberfill stuffng • matchmg sewmg threads • smali safety po NOTES

To nuke an adjustible nng Make sbp knot KT/25Scm from free end of thread Place sbp knot on hook. then wtapfree end of thread Iwre arousd yoa first and «econd fin gers of your Ht hand Non- work from thread commg from bali foli mstructicns belo* scitog [Insert hook rs ne*t sL yo and dtaw upa Ip) mice: yoand draw throuRt a I i Ips on hook.


Work accordmg to napkm ring chart A. on center patiem insert, wde 8 large black dot mdkates first ch With sile 8 hook and red. ch 84. Taking care not to twist ch. toin with sl st to form a nng At beg of each md wak ch 3 (couits as I dc) at end of each mdl jom md with sl st n top of beg ch-3; wak sl st(s) to tftftfng pomt of nett md as ndicated on chart Work rnds 1 through 5 Edgmg Wort mes 6 and 7 Fasten off. Tan wak so berttom Ips of beg ch are at top. Tan chart upyde donn to wk md 8 Jom thread wKh sl st m bottom Ip of beg ch where ndicated by the anow, Work mds 3 and 9 jon md 9 with sl st in ch-5 Ip cf md 8. Fasten off


With soc 8 hook and jrcen. work accordmg to tabWoth chart D on center paltem insert, wie 8 (See tablecloth leaves and sterm. page 58.)


With u?e 8 hook and red. make an adyistable nng Rud 1 (RS) Work 8 v n ring. puli free end of nread to cfose circle Mark łast st madę with safety pin fou wil be workmg n a spiral markng the Ust st madę with safety pn to ndicate end of md And 2 *Sc m nexl st. work 2 SC in nwt st; rep fiom 4 around-12 sts. Rud 1 *Sc in next 2 sts. work 2 sc in nert st; rep frocn * arcund-t6 sts Rnd 4 *Sc in nert 3 sts. work 2 sc in next st. rep from * around-20 sts. Rnds S through 7 Sc in each st around Rnd 8 'Sc m next 3 sts. sc2tog rep from4 around-16 sts Stu** piece wirh fiberfil Rndf ;Sc2tcg) 3 times-8 sts Rnd i łO and 11 Sc m each st anxnd . Fasten off liswmg ar 87ISan ta4 Thread taił as tapectry needle Weaw taił ouer and un-der sts of Ust md. M thread to gather is; secure with a few sts. then use taił to sew cherry to left stera Make I morę cherry m dark red and sew to right sten FLOWER

■Atork accordmg to chart 8 on center paltem msert. side 8 large black dot mfceates first ch With sile K) hook and whrtechll Rnd1(RS)Slstm2ndchfiomhook.cont to foli chart to end of md )Oin md with sl st m beg ch-S petah madę Fasten ofF Flower center 'not shown on chart) With RS facing and we B hook. jom mint with sl s» Pętany 2 petals Rnd 1 (RS) Work2sc ncachflower petalaround-K)scRiłd2(Sc m next 2 sts. ch 8] 5 tmes. pm md with sl st m first sc Fasten off.


Lhmg matchmg sewrg threads. sew kares and base of sten* to wpkm mg Sew flewern place as shownin photo    (cocmjtd on pogt 75)

wwwAnnaCrafticom RflOO 59


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