ANNA sum09 USA72

ANNA sum09 USA72


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Tum Row 2) Rep row T> S iii Twr Work itrap n foli: Foli chart B until armhołe measurei 7V^’/19cnv Facten off

Back Row 8 (RS) With RSof bo<Jy lacffg. tkip 8 iii from side edge of rtfit front, join yam with il « h rtext «. ch 2 (alwayi coiłti as 1 Mc^. f*dc n neit 81 vti-82 itv Tum Row t SI it acroii hiit ) iti. ch 2, hdc «i cach it to lait 3 sts 76 sti Tur Row 10 SI it acroii fłiit 2 Hi. ch 2. hdc in each it to 1)4 2 iti-72 iti Tim Row 11 Rep row 10-68 iti Turn Row 12 Ol 2. hdc2tog. hdc m each st to Ust 2 «v hdc2tog-^S iii Row» 1J and 14 Rep row 12 62 iti Ttm RowtlS through 2J Ch 2. hdc in each il acroii. Turn. Work right strap foli chart B untii armhole measurei iame ai ri(fr front Fastm off Work l«ft strap i i foli: W ith RS facng. dtp center S2 iti for back ncck. )oin yan

wrth sl il m r**t st. cont to foli chart B iame as for nyst itrap

Laf I front-Row 8 (RS) Wito RS of body łaong. skp 8 iii fron siće edge of back. »om yam oith il U m neit st ch 2 (ah%a>s counts as 1 hdc). Mc in nert 59 sti—40 iłv Turn Cont to werk same as nght front, rewrung all shapng.


Błock p^ce to meaturements. Sew shoulder swrni Neck adging With R$ faong. jcan yam with il it n center back neck edge. Rnd 1 (RS) Ch ’. •makng iu»e that work lieiflat.workliceyen.yspaced alongedge. ch 3. work I k m 3rd ch from hook (p*cot madę); rep from * aruunc. pin md w ith sl st n beg ch-1. Faslen off Armhole edgmg With RS ‘ King, pm yam win il st n center underarm edge. Rep md 1 as for neck edgmg.


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www AnnaOaftł.coni Rono 71


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