ape 059

ape 059




Lving oti the floor w i tli fcct towurd the machinę, nuli the cords over the head sidcways, keeping the arms ann 'nands close t<» the llcmr, elbows stilf. Inhaie as the arms swing sidc ways over the head; cxhale as they return.

FlGtKB 30.


Kying nn the floor, fcct toward the machinę (ropes through Iower pulk ys). swing arms forward and over the head (not side u.iys) as far as possiblc. Krep elbows rigtd. Inhaie as the arms swing forward over the head; exhalc as they return.

Figuke 31.

Few, if any, of the exereises with the apparatus are so important as those which widen and deepen the cavity of the chest or thorax. Too much attention cannot be given to this part of the body.

Read the article on the Thorsw, on page 55.


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