•Phone:—NOTTINGHAM 2782.
GEORGE BROUGH, Haydn Road, Nottingham.
in advising that orders can now be placed for either of next season's models for delivery FOREWORD. almost immediately. In fixing the 1922 selling prices. futurę reductions in labour and materials
have been very carefully estimated, so that futurę prospective " Brough Superior" riders have everything to gain by ordering now. and taking advantage of the delightful late autumn riding conditions.
The “ Brough Superior ” was first put on the market twelve months ago. The design and manufacture is the outeome of sixteen years' experience in motor cycle manufacture exclusively.
That it has fulfilled the objects of its design is proved by dozensof delightful lettersthe maker hasreceived from enthusiastic owners all over the country. A few cxtracts from some of tHese Ifettcrs appear elsewhere on this leaflet.
The " Brough Superior ” is essentially a keen connoisseur’s mount. The maker has never intended his production to compete on a purely price basis with any similar powered machinę. However, to satisfy the continued demand he is receiving for a cheaper edition of the “ Brough Superior,” he is giving herewith fuli details of an additional model for 1922. to be known as the " Brough Superior," Mark II. At the price this machinę is offered it is undoubtedly the best value proposition in the 1922 market. Arrangemcnts are completed with the makers of the famous M.A.G. engines to manufacture a special model 750 c.c..engine for the “Brough Superior,” Mark II. It has several ilicątiflP.Ł from thę standaxd MĄG. produęt, emd the external finish is identical to the engine fitted to Marł *
not a single engine gav|any mechanical trouble/and all fmished Brooklands continua!!;? at ^eSs*q^75-80 so[o. and 65
wese engir*
Results derived show that this e '^thsidMar.% In a modified foi
type Before offered to the publ.c this alternat,ve model has received a 5.000 miles test under all sorts of gruellmg
l >U Brough Superior owner will be a very lucky man.
Mr. John Hamilton, Budę Hotel, Exeter.
H*vmg josl completed a 600 mile tour in Devon and Corawałl. 1 an wntmg t^tell you how perfcctly satisfied I am with mv • Brough Superior It wil. intercrt you to hear that [ óave oovcred ovcr 6.01)0 m.l« with tl:< combinatłon ihat ! bought early last April. and I think my £210 was wel ‘pc“- 1 h»ve climbed mott of the notoriou* hills in this district. carryine a
a Id »tooe pamenrer and luggagc I averagc to the galion of ■n.-trol 65 milo. and over SCO miles lo the galion of oil (Walce field'*).
I he omy expenvc I have incurred is the tum of £2. which I was cairged For decarbonumg my engine lomc Iwo nsootlis ago. I certainly your machnie is the Rolls-Royce of motor eyekł, and with you cyery łucccis m Ibt Corning mm*oc. 7
Mr' Th« Garage," Rainsford Road. Chelmiford.
W ith refcrcnce to the ' Brough Superioi * recently łupplied to ine. 1 am now ablc to give you mytopinion of same after ar. cxtcnded trial. It has lust completed a tour qf ovV »)0 miles through somc very hilly districls. and behayedin a v«y satisfactory manner, witbout gmng any troublc wfcatever. I bc riding pwitioii is vcry comfortable. and the way road shochs are it mini notictable.”
Mr. Newby Holmes. Gelt Road. Brarapton. Cumberland.
lam pleated to inform you that I havc just completed 1.400 miles on tftc oupenor with Jidecar. without any adjustmenU whatevcr (iave chain) and am yery pleajed w-th the machinę all roond. I harc ju« come oul of Nortfc Dcvon — Porloch. Lynton. etc.-and bave had clean sweep. evcrv ttm« with ample to ipare. 1 7