s&h 037
thiug else. Not direetly, of course, but in-directly, iu tbat it is tbe straiglit road to many diseascs. Pcrfcct rentilation rneans the supplying of as mucb pure air as pos-siblc, with a corresponding reduotion of iin-pure air. It isn't neeessary to qnote facts and figures sbowing just how many cubie feet of air a lniman being needs. Tbe best way is to g<‘t as mucb good air as you can, and don’t be afraid of getting too mucb, for you will derive notbing but benefit from it.
Opcn tbe Windows and doors of your room at times in order tbat tberc may be free rentilation, and kcep your Windows opon a little all the timc. It is coneeded tbat tbe best temperaturo for healthful work is be-tween GO and 70, and up to a certain age beat is morę injurious than cold.
Cnltirate the habit of breatbing tbrougb tbe nose, and after talcing exercise in tbe cold air it is best not to immediately go to a rery wami room. Keep the cold air out of tbe lungs, and tbe way to do it is to allow
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cp 08 POSTURĘ AND HEALTH lly Arnold H. Kegel. M. D. CommiMionrr of Health. Chicago. III. OOD POSTURĘs&h 057 STRENUTIf AND HEALTH 57 permissible. Giwu peas should be eateu in strietest iiioderatiou, animage082 customs of the Radymichs, Viatychs and Severians, who did not practice weddings either, buts&h 057 STRENUTIf AND HEALTH 57 permissible. Giwu peas should be eateu in strietest iiioderatiou, anthe bagasse of 7738 ± 100 kj/kg, as received. However, in most sugar mills, it is not possible to caAdvantages and disadvantages of digital education 25 (for this purpose it is recommended to use theMySQL software is Open Source. Open Source means that it is possible for anyone to use and modify thcalibre cover (73) NATURAL ACTSA SIDELONG VIEW OF SCIENCE AND NATURĘ “A TOUR DE FORCE OF ORIGINAL THConseryation ethic: it is good, a social duty, to preserve the past (Lipę 1977; Lowenthal andNowadays many refer to national feelings as a basie element not only of national but also of social216 Z. Święcicka Abstract In project control precision it is very important in determining the plannshoes&pattens1 111 Sizes and wear pałterns: social inferences A feature of many shoes in the presenwhich have appeared in our past Conference iroceedings and that although it is always our policAPC 13 09 08! 00 9 3d Elsę ♦ The adverb e/se means other, different , or morę . It is used aftwięcej podobnych podstron