which have appeared in our past Conference iroceedings and that although it is always our policy to agree, in fact the copyright is not in generał with the ISSMFE as may be seen from inside the front cover of these Proceedings. Many of these are now out of print and University Microfilms are producing Xerox copies and paying royalties to the various host National Societies. This includes the Moscow Proceedings and the payment of royalties is currently under discussion with University Microfilms and with VAAP and with ISSMFE. The Russians considered that they were entitled to receive royalties only on those papers which had originated in the USSR nor did they feel able to give permission for non-Russian papers to be republished. The Secretary General had therefore suggested to them and to University Microfilms that the ISSMFE should be considered as the holder of the copyright for the non-Russian papers and should receive the royalties accordingly. It was therefore planned that the total royalties should be paid by University Microfilms to the ISSMFE and that we should pass on to VAAP an appropriate proportion for the Russian papers. This suggestion was approved. The current availability of previous International and Regional Conference Proceedings is shown in Appendix 2.
Allocation of pages in Conference Proceedings __
22. Further to Minutę 13 of the Istanbul
Meeting the President introduced a report recommending how pages should be alloca-ted in Volumes I and II of the Conference Proceedings in futurę. This is produced as Appendix 3. Professor Togrol and Dr. Meigh reminded members that these rational proposals were a tremendous advance on our previous practice but some members considered that minor amendments would improve them further.
The following changes were agreed to the recommendations proposed by the President.
(i) no change
(ii) that the President may allocate 0.1N at his own discretion
but having consulted with the Vice-Presidents about it.
(iii) a change from anticipated revenue to revenue actually received in the previous 4 years
(iv) linę 2, before "number of pages" insert "relative" in order to allow for possible changes in the total number of pages available from
one conference to another.
extraits d'articles parus dans les Comptes-Rendus de nos Congres pr§c§dents et que, bien que notre rdgle soit toujours d'accepter, le copyright n'appartient pas en fait a la Soci§t§ Internationale, comme 1'indique 1'interieur de la Couverture des Comptes-Rendus. De nombreux comptes-rendus sont maintenant śpuisćs et University Microfilms en fait des photocopies et paye des droits d'auteur aux diffśrentes Sociśtes Nationales organisatrices. Ceci inclut les Comptes Rendus de Moscou, et le paiement des droits d'auteur est actuellement en discussion entre Univer-sity Microfilms, VAAP, et la Soci6t€ Internationale. Les Russes consider-ent qu'ils n'ont droit aux droits d'auteur que pour les articles emanant de 1'URSS, et ne se sentent pas capables d'autoriser la reproduction des articles n'śmanant pas de 1'URSS.
Le Secrśtaire Genśral leur a alors suggierś, ainsi qu'a University Microfilms, que la Sociśtś Internationale soit considerśe comme dśtentrice du copyright pour les articles n'§manant pas de 1'URSS, et recoive les droits d'auteur en consequence. II a §t£ alors decide que 1'ensemble des droits d'auteur serait paye par University Microfilms § la Societć Internationale et que celle-ci transfererait a VAAP la part correspond-ant aux articles russes. Cette suggestion est approuvee. La disponib-ilite actuelle des Comptes-Rendus des Congrds Internationaux et R§gionaux prśc§dents est indiguer a l'annexe 2.
Repartit ion des pages pour les Comptes Rendus des Congres_
22. Suitę 3 l'article 13 du procśs verbal de la reunion d'Istanbul, le President prśsente un rapport (annexe 3) recom-mandant pour l'avenir la manierę de repartir les pages pour les tomes 1 et 2 des Comptes Rendus des Congres. Le Professeur Togrol et le Dr. Meigh rappellent que ces propositions ration-nelles sont considerablement plus avanc§es que la pratique precśdente, mais quelques membres consid^rent qu'elles pourraient Stre ameliorśes par des amendements mineurs. Les changements suivants ont ete dścidśs, par rapport aux recommandations propos£es par le President:
(i) pas de changement
(ii) le Prśsident pourra distribuer 0.1N pages a sa discrótion, mais aprds avoir consulte les Vice-Presidents
(iii) changer "anticipated revenues" en "revenues actually received in the previous 4 years"
(iv) ligne 2, avant "number of pages", ajouter "relative" pour permettre un changement eventuel'du nombre total de pages d'un Congres a