BSA 201952 20Sales 20Brochure 2003
B.S.A. Bantom 125 c.c. Dl
With « redlly amaiing perłormenee, light waight aete o( Sandling and eiceptional aconomy, tha B.S.A. Bantam it without doub* the mott popular machinę in it» clatl in tha world. For eyeryday uia or for long tour*. tha B.S.A. Bantam offort tha mott reiiabio and tha mott economicai moda ot fre»el.
Bantam Competiłion
Introduccd to moat « popular demand for a tporti vertlon of tha Bantam, thit modol ha» tecurcd a numbei of noteworthy tuccettet in triali and other iporting avanti. Spaciftcaiion Incorporałat comprattion ralaata valve in eyfiftdar head, toiiar tiaarmgi to tror.L »haol and roinforeod ipindla, uptyTcpFaihautt tyttem unvalancad mudguardt, largar taetion raar tyro, adjuitabla footraiti. raitad taddla pot-tion folding kick itarter and a largar r*ar whaal ip.-cc«»f giving iowar gaari for triali purpotai.
B.S.A. 250 S.V. CIO
Thit B.S.A. 250 modal it idoal fo» thota who want a reliaWa, aaiyto-handla and oconomical machina for ovoryday uie. Lile the O.H.V. Illuitrated oppoilte, It it a*allabla with tprlnq frama and four-tpaad gaarboa at an aatra charga.
B.S.A. Competiłion
353 Modol B 32 500 Model B 34
B.S.A. Compołition modeli havo an imprmtiva liit of Trialt and Scromblot tuccattat to thoir ctadit. Spring frama. with downtwept aihauit pipa onJy, eitra. '
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