Tb* unit conitruction of th Bantem angin* and g*arb i* ihown on th# right. Tb# prlmary drbr#, kick-ifart and g#ar chana# m#ch«niim ar# tolally *ncloi#d.
Th* tpring tramo *vail*bl* on th* C modali, illuitr»ted above, bfingi lho luiury uiually aucclated with mor# powerful machinę* To Th* *v*ryday utlllły rid#r.
Th# dataehable r«ar wh##l oe A modali and on th* 11 and M *prisg frame modeli (oo l#(t). Th# ipecial d#»ign of hub permiti th* uta of itraight ipskei—a f#atur# which gi»#i addnd itrangfh and lafoty.