BSA 201952 20Sales 20Brochure 2011

BSA 201952 20Sales 20Brochure 2011


ENGINE. Air cooted with cost iron cylindor barrol and hcad (aluminium alloy for Gold Sfar models and aluminium alloy head on D I and side valvo modeli; high tensiłe stoel connecting rod (lighf alloy rodi on A modeli). Big-ond—rollar boaring ezcopł on A modeli, which have detachable indium-load-bronze plain bearings. Main boaringi—plain timing side on A and C modeli; Bali and/or roller boaringi on drive lido on all modeli, and on timing side on romainder of rangę. Goar driven timing mechaniim; tappełs on A modols oporated by a lingle camshaft at rear of engine. Stellito-tipped valvoi standard on A 7 Star Twin, A 10 and Gold Star modeli. Amel carburotter. with air cloaner ( in on modeli A 7 and A 10 oxcopt on Gold Star modeli).

LUBRICATION. (Exccpt Dl). Dry lump system with leparałe oii tank undor saddlo and double gear pump. Model D I. potroił system.

IGNITION. Coli ignition with car type diiłributor incorporating automatic advance on C modeli, Magdyno on B and M modeli, magneto with auto* matic advance on A modeli. Wico-Pacy fiywheel magneto-generator on D I or cail ignition with Lucas A.C. generator sol (ozłra) if spccified.

TRANSMISSION. Throo-spood gcarbo* on D and C modeli; four speedi on others and exłra on C modeli; all with poiitivo itop foot gear chango; oil bath primary chain drive.

FRAME. Loft-hand or righf-hand sidccar iugs on M ond A modeli; 8 in. front brake on Gold Star*, A 7 Star Twin and A 10 modeli. Roar luipemion with quicldy dctochable rear wheel on Gold Star modeli and A modols, oxtra on othor modols; quick|y dotachable roar wheel on A models and B and M Spring Frame models; spring-up stand (rear on M models, central on other modeli).

•7 in. front brak# on Gold Star models intonded for Trials and SerambUt.

EQUIPMENT. Lucas 6-volt 60 watt lighting (cxccpl D I: leo ignition) with teparate dynamo on C and A modols, magdyno on others; componsated voltage contro!; sealed beam headlamp: oloetrie horn (enłra on model Dl); łoolkit, łyro inflator.

FINISH. Due to materiał thorłagei and rcsłrictions in the use of chromium plating, wo may not be permitłed to adhere to the finiihes hitherto associatod with B.S.A. machinos. but tho basie colours and highest quality possible will be main-tainod.



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