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workinggroups I have myself several times participated at meetings such as this. It was always very inspiring.

To discuss ones own experiences and research on a level with collegues specialized in the same field, to compare notes, and to identify subjects worthly of morę research, seem to me a most efficient and stimulating way to further our knowledge of historie techniques as well as of conser-vation aspeets. You are, I believe, a relatively smali group compared to other disciplines in the field of con-servation. Your research and contributions to knowledge are therefore all the morę important.

Let me wish you again, an interesting meeting, concentrated exchange with your collegues and a good stay in Amsterdam.

A. Grafin Ballestrem, director,

Central Research Laboratory


In the course of an extra session in Copenhagen two years ago, the members of the working group on Conservation of Leathercraft and Related Objects recognized the need to direct some of their attention to tattooed skin.

We agreed that if an interim meeting also could be arranged between the Triennial IOOM Congress, that would be the best way to discuss this subj ect.

Back in Amsterdam we, and I mean by that Van Soest, Hallebeek and myself, were able to obtain permission from the Dutch authorities to hołd such a meeting at the Central Research Laboratory..

But, on second thought, we realized that tattooed skin alone, would be too narrcw a subject for an "interim meeting". It seemed better, to extend the theme to the morę inclusive subject of ethnographic leather.

And that is how it happened that you are here today. So, let's find out how much we kncw about ethnographic leather and its conservation. And let's do it in the spirit of what Mohammad, the Prophet of Islam, once said: "The essence of knowledge is this: having it, apply it. Not having it, confess your ignorance".

Ladies and Gentleman, I wish you a succesful meeting.

T. Stambolov, coordinator

IGOM workinggroup on Leathercraft


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