Likc Aurora, ALtddin's Jasminc
is about to have her fateful 16tVi
birthday at. the begianing of hor
storv. But w hic Aurora’s fairv » *
“aunts” kcpt hopeful princcs away, Jasminc s lalher hopc-S tkat his daughter will marry one of the many princes who comc to sec: hcr. But Jasminc has other idcas. She woulcł ratlier marry for love—and she cliooscs rhc hamŁsóme, your.g Street chief, Akddin. Jasminc^ dramacie •'catures emphasizc lier exotic bcauty, making her unique among the Disney ptinccsscs.
Jasmmc bas aftnisrtii-skttped cycs
lOPOf ey* bas flzlUr ^ i74tve
bouom of cyt ha% r\/urtder curvc
Jasminc‘s cyn havt genlic ilant, iikc cat‘f cycs
YFSi eyas fol Iow bottotK of guult-unr om1;1
NO! nul
sirazyjjl acrou fact