cp 17
Bernard C. Roloff
B i - O you recall the good old German legend of the "Picd ;• j Pipcrof Hamelin"? It rccounts how a ccrtain musi-LJr-a cian came into the town of Hamelin and offered. for a sum of moncy, to rid the town of the rats with which it was infested. Having successfulty performed the task and the promised reward having becn refused, he in rcvcngc. again blcw his (lute. and by its magie drew the children of the town to a cavern in the side of a hill. whieh upon their entrancc, closcd and shut them in forcver.
HmnJrtdi of łhomtunJt of people kne foliowej Cwpł. Rojrsgwei om hi i hiket to hedllh.
Here. in Capt3in Rodrigues. we havc another kind of "Picd Pipcr," howevcr. with even morę clcvcr magie than the famous man of Hamelin. for though as you sec by the pic-tures, hc draws after him the children. both big and littlc. be leads them. not into a dark eavern. but out into the broad. pure light of day. for their good health instead of for revenge
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