Bernard C. Roloff
Otrtaor oi Hnillh F.ducauon. IJepartmtnt oł Hntlth Cht<ayo
r«< | WISH I could make you realize right herc in the bc-
Wi i.j ginning of this littlc book Iww cxtremely difTicult ii li-L*y is for an earnest. honesi man to tell convincingly that which is in his lwart to tell. particularly when it refers to such an important subject as good hcalth.
So frequently this subject. particularly when written
about and advertised so___
Rimlnr ttf Hrmlth Edm£4tM>n, f)rp*rtm*nt uf
blatantly and untruth-fully by Professional "muscle-builders." is so surroundrd with unadul-terated bunk and fakery. a mess of unscientific "blah" that it makes truły carncst seekers after truth suspicious and wary. as well as inereases the difTicultles of one who really has something worth whilc telling.
To all those who have tried. perhaps all too often. with bitter dis-appointment and uttet disillusionment. t h e "casy. simple. perfect. marvclous. rcmarkablc. unsurpassed" methods of the advertising ' big musclc boys." this frank and honest as well as true story of hosv to attain and preservc good health. without violcnt cxercise. is dedicatcd.