cp 27

cp 27



Pupils Study Posturę -i by Standing Order!

|Kcgei’s Expcrt Will Tcach Children How to Walk Correctly



How Iltile Johnni* stand* *b»n h« recitoa h!> lessona ta polnr to tw aa Important from rn» on In thr putilic aehools aa 4 how ho tKlte* h.a li—cna.

In aoeonlano# wlth a »*w ordo/* nr Ot OUt bjf Ifralth Cocami*, alonor Arnold II. K»c»l, *v• rr schootchllii muit bo taujtht car-rrrt posturo alopf wlth his thrcw R*.

Capi. Codfray Rodrlr tur*. * strapping man wlth tbo dlmon słona of a <»rro* rod — alondsr *hips and htad •houldtra and tho esuriar# nf a Waat Polntsr. waa praaantod to a dol**a-tlon of boya and rtrla frotn tho Ln dalio Bchool In Dr. Korala orfie# >#»t#rday whoro ho Uu*ht tbam how to stand and how to walk.

"Postura haa osarythlnt to do wlth haallh.*' Dr. Karał docUrad. "It affoota broathtnf. difostlon and rlrrulation. A chlld who sralk* ror-r#ctly wlth hoad oroci. *hnuld#ra •tralrht. chsst up and forward. la a haaJUttef ehUd. monully and phyai-calły."

Th# twolrs «hlMr«n will In turn toaeh th* ot bor pupila of tholr school. Rortha Parkrr. 10. 144« 8 Wat# *t. waa found by Capt. Rodrlrur* to bas# tho bost postura of th# tw*W#-i*euon Ko. 1 in postur©— i thc rijłit way to walk—i* ahowit herc by Bertha Parker of the La Salle School.


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