cp 48

cp 48

tteicite nithonI potluer doet not builJ thc kody. Thit tottng lody. knonn yeart ogo ot n teoehcr of bcouty, thowt llie ntmol />r*>-ttnded nbdomcn and iur*rJ ipine throngh l*k of bnonledgt tn Correct Potłmre.

Undcr thc name of Physical Education childrrn are taught lo twist thcir bodios into grotcsque shapcs and forms. which in rcality is nothing less than Physical Torturę.

Sonic doctors bclievc that rupturcs arc sometimcs causcd through coughing or sncezing strcnuously. but my answer to thcm in rc-gard to this belicf is: find out what happened to thc paticnt bcfore this so-called strenuous sneczc or cough occurrcd.

Parents do wcII in choosing thc propcr kind of gamcs and exercises for thcir childrrn to indulge in.

Vcry fcw cases of hcrnia frupturc) will be known w hen Correct Posturę has bccn taught properly.

Ali athlctes in thcir later years are suffering. morę or less. from stornach and intestinal ailments and it is very common among athlctes to havc varicose veins which is caused from cxcrtion.


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