cp 32
This posturę secret will not do you thc slightest .lmount of good. UNLESS. you arc suflicicnlly convinccd of its value to apply it constantly. conltnuously. ihorouyhly, at alt limes, in all places. cxccpt w hen you lic down to sleep. It looks easy. sounds easy and to thosc with a will to improvc their bodics. it IS easy. but only to thosc. To thc weak-willcd. thc lazy. thc carcless, thc thoughtlcss. it will be somewhat of a task — but only for a littlc whilc. For as soon as thc habit l and that is all thcrc is to this littlc secret. thc acquiring of a habit). as soon as this habit is learned or acquircd. or what-cvcr you do to form a habit, you can forget all about it for it becomes a part of you and you necd nevcr give it another thought. But by that time you will have grown so accus-tomed to following thc other hcalth advicc I havc to givc you that you'll be unhappy unlcss you practice it constantly.
mYow‘r* im tht mtmty no*." Offumtt *h4 mm *trimg iht hght of mmJrttimttJimg. mil th**mght* mrt: Why JiJ mm ihtnk of it?
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