10) SR: 2°°2 +* 2°°2- 2°°2~2°°2 - 2°°2 A** 2“2/
*join to R 8; **lock join to R 9.
11) R: 2 °°° 2 + (to the upper part of SR10) 200 2 - 2 °°° 2/
12) R: 2°°°2 + (to R11) 2°»02 °°2°° 2-2™21 i
13) R: 2 S®B2 + (to the lower picot of SR10) 2 °°2 - 2 °°° 2//
14) SR: 2°°°2 +* 2”2 - 2°°°2 ~2°°°2 - 2°°2 2"°2 /
*join to R12; **lockjoin to R13.
15) R: 2 °°°2 + (join to the upper part of SR14) 2002 - 2°°2/
16) R: 2°°°2 + (to R 15) 2°q°2°°°2 °°2 - 2°°°2//
17) R: 2 °°0 2 + (to the lower part of SR14) 2 ° ° 2 - 2 °o° 2//
18) SR: 2°°°2 +* 2°°2 - 2”2 ~2°°°2 - 2°°°2 A ** 2°°°2/
*join to R 16; **lock join to R17.
After you fmish the sam ple:
Make surę that two ‘up’ beads in every TRILLIUM picot (°° ) are on the same side of your work ; this will provide a ridge in the center of every ring and a 3D effect. (Top of the picture is front side; below is the back side of the necklace).
Measure the sample to decide how many units (positions 7 - 10 or 11 - 14) you will need for the complete necklace.
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