

wliich is liard lo describe, should incan a good 10 pounds or 15 pounds to you once you thoroughly master it. Having gotten the beli to the shoulders, stand in position shown in illustration. No w bend the legs, but not too much. straighten same. and quickly jerk the beli alott. At the same tiule place one foot forward and the other backward, sinking heneath the weight, on wliich you niust keep your eyes or you may fali backwards. carrying the weight with you, or ratlier, the weight will carry you witli it. The great-est fault you can make is to stand, when ready to jerk. with the back hent in any way. If you do so you will give beneath the weight when you bend the legs betore jerking, and there will be no “snap" in the movement. Take a deep breath just bcfore you jerk the weight. and coneentrate your mind strongly on sending sanie lo a straight arm. l)o not try to half jerk the weight and hnish with a pusli. This is a common but fatal error.



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