4. an adjcctivc that is uscd lo dcscribc something which is finał and cannot be questioned
(paragraph 4)__
5. two formal vcrbs łhat mean ‘to show (a particular type of bchaviour)’ (paragraph 5)
6. an adjcctive łhat is uscd to describc something that is based on personal opinion or feclings. not
facts (paragraph 6)__ 3. VOCABULARY
Read the ar licie and choose ihe w ord front the box which hestfits each gap. Write your w ord in the spaccs helów the text. (12 marks)
cyc-catching rccommend offend allow attract
commercials publicity variety rules furthcrmorc
infomiing ensure_billboards_displayed_print_
In this day and age advertising is big business. It puts a lot of effort into effectivcly (1) the public about a product or scrvice. Decadcs ago (2) for new products occurred through radio
(3) ______ or simplc newspaper advertisements. Today, they are introduccd through a (4)__of
means. Companies can choose from the (5) media, tclcvision, radio or evcn huge lit-up (6)_
that have been put up around our cities and which suggest that we buy this typc of ice-cream or that type of trainer. Advertising companies use a number of techniąues to (7) our attention, including stunning photography, (8) graphics, jingles or clever comments. What is morę, companies may employ famous people like film stars to (9) their products.
However, many govcmmcnts have introduccd (10)__and rcgulations that advertisers must
follow and which indicate what may and may not be donc. These codcs of conduct (11) that advertiscrs don’t make cxaggerated claims or (12) ccrtain groups of people. In some countries,
advertisemcnts can be (13)_ only in specific areas. (14)_some countries do not approve of
the advertising of ccrtain products, like tobacco. so they don't (15)_such advertising at all.
10. 11. 12.