TM Ławry :
Sonie Remarks on the Concept ofAcids andBases.
Chem. Ind. (Londorti 1923 Vblume 42. Pages 43—l7
Bardzo ważnym wkładem Lowry’ego w teorię kwasów i zasad było określenie stanu jonu wodorowego w wodzie.
W swoim artykule Bmnsted. ożywał jonu BE*-.
ftis a remarkable fact that strongacidity apparently developed only in mbdures andnever in pure compounds. hydrogen chloride only becomes
acid when mixed withwater. This ccm be e by the relucrance
hydrogen micleusto lead an isolated existence.... The ęffect hydrogen
chloride with water isprobably to provide an acceptorfor the hydrogen nucletis so that the ionisation of the acid only mvolves the transfer of a one octet
to another... "
h&pj/dbiK.w9wxi ki 7 mus/AruSasE/Acjd^Base