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Military Communication Institute

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Scientific Council
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International Cooperation
Scientific Library


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Since 1991 the Military Communication Institute has been managed by Ph.D. Eng. Marek Suchański - director; Ph.D. Eng. Krzysztof Łysek - Deputy Director of Research
and Development Plane; Ph.D. Eng. Edmund Wirkus - Deputy Director of Implementation and Production Plane and M.Sc. Krzysztof Kwaśniewski - Deputy Director of Technique and Economy Plane. Chief Accountant.

Ph.D. Eng. MAREK SUCHAŃSKI - born in 1947 at Żnin, graduated from Electronics Faculty of the Military University of Technology, Ph.D of technical sciences in telecommunications (1978) Deputy Director of Research and Development Plane since 1990, Director of the Military Communication Institute in Zegrze since 1991, member of the AFCEA; Mainly interested in - electromagnetic waves propagation and information security.

Ph. D. Eng. KRZYSZTOF ŁYSEK - born in 1965 at Żywiec, graduated from Electronics Faculty of the Military University of Technology, Ph.D of technical sciences in telecommunications (2002); Deputy Director of Research and Development Plane since 2006. Mainly interested in - quality of service (QoS) and standardization of military communication systems.

Ph.D. Eng. EDMUND WIRKUS - born in 1948 in Rzeczenica; graduated from an Officers School of Communications in Zegrze, Electronics Faculty of the Military University of Technology and from Management Faculty of Warsaw University; Ph.D. of technical sciences in the field of telecommunications (1990); Head of Telecommunication and Information Division (1991), Head of Cryptology Division, now he is Deputy Director of Implementation and Production Plane, a member of AFCEA. Main subject area of interesting - speech signal analysis and equipment and communication systems.
M.Sc. KRZYSZTOF KWAŚNIEWSKI - born in 1962 in Żagań, graduated from the High Military School of Quartermaster Services in army finances and accountancy (1986), the Economic Sciences Faculty of the Warsaw University (1995) and the post-graduated studies on the modern managing accountancy. Now he is Deputy Director of Technique and Economy Plane, Chief Account. Mainly interested in - methodology of economic parameters used in management processes of economic entities.

© 2006 Military Communication Institute




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