

Pharm Exaińen 2006



^0 Omeprazole is an ipreyersible proton pump inhibitor and indnr.eg a-Hnsp. related lnnhibition. nf Frąstric! acid secretion.#.

Ię^ajcatrye are contraindicated in all cases of constipation inducedby organicbowel_disfiasfis. ^nflampiation,^ancer> 0    ^

# Dextromethorphan is an antitussiye o piąte that often produces physical dependencj 4. If tissues are infected, local ph decreases and local anaesthetics are morę effective.

"j"~ - 5. Topical preparations of clindamycin are óften use to treat a cne. 0'

~F16. ^olymixins are verv toxic and tliey are now restricted to topi sal usefointmenis^lpr f- £0-1. Mepenclme is the oniy ópioid with spasmolytic action due to stimulation of k receptorsi H 8. Dobutamine being a strong yasoconstrictor is a drug of choice in the treatment of n_euro;4enic shock.    ..

ff 9TSelegilinę.used simultaneonslywirh leyodopa does pot exacerbate nerinheral flftorse-effects of leyodopa.#

V 10. Bmnofol is the onlv Lv generał anesthetic with antiemetic pronerties.#

^5 11. Bioavailability is the fraction of the unchanged drug that reaches the systemie circulatión following admimstratibn by any route.    0 K

. Tolerance occours when responsiveness diminishes rapidly after administration of a drug^-13. 1 idide therapy (>6mg) isofyąlue in thyroid storm. 0 HEAspirin is used as an analgetic and antipyretic in smali children. 0

Treatmentwith selectiye COX-2 inhihitnrsfr.rnnhsl is associated with hieher incidence of car di oyascnl ar thrombotic events. (0

16. Nitroglycerin is effective in classical angina and angiospastic angina, as well as in cardiogenic shock.    ^

ACE inhibitors have useful role in treątine patients with diahetic nenhropathy. 0 . B-adrenergic antagonists in patients with angina decrease myocardial oxygen reąuirements at rest and during exercise. # Tpoe^5

19. Qverdosefrombenzodiazepine^caiihe efFectivelv treatedbv administratinn of the^ benzodiazepine antagonist. flumazeml#

^ Enteypcoccops is never reliably sensitiyę tn anv ąyailable cenhalosporip 0 21. Terbinafine is not used to treat fungal infection of the nails because is not absorbed from gastrointestinal tract. 0

,    .22, Metronidazole given orally is active ągainst cysts of amoebiasis. #

# Amoxiclline is diupnf choice for nneumoeg^s infection is used prophilactically in patients who ar< ogjgs and who are at risk of reagtiyątion nf iatent vims #

25^CjSitisol is the main anabolic hormone of the body, its excess acyfl^i














irates gr^yfti in


^^fasulin aspart morę closely rmmir.s normal endngenous prąndiaŁ^ppst meal) insulin secretion than does reguł ar insulin 0    ~    ’

27. EfEcient renal mechanism for excretion ofironmakes treatment of .anemia free of the risk of oyerdose.^

One answer

#28. Which of the following classes of antimicrobial agents is classified as being bacteriostatic?

(A) aminoglycosides (B) tetra cydin es (C) polymixins (D) penicillins (E) fluoroąuinolones


PeiUUU*>G, fWoKiUUlo


on ytotwoufi


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