

29.    Tobramycin inhibits bacterial:

(A) cel) membranę fbnction (B) protein synthesis (C) folie acid synthesis-. (D) celi wali synthesis (E) A & B are correct

30.    Nephrotoxicitv and/or ototoxicity may result from the administration of many drugs,

EXCEPT:    • ^'VvvW>YVJ I

(A) amikgcin @1 doxvcvcline (C) gentamycin (D) streptomycin (E) netilmycin

A drug used to treat ulceratiye colitis is :

(A) sulfacetamide    (C) sulfamethoxaz(^P^ulfasalązine (E) loperamide

^ 32. The best way to treat cardiac insufficiency induced h\Lheta-hlnnkers-OYerdnse is:

(A) isoprenann(B) atropinę (CY glucagon (Dl insulin (E) salbutamol

• 33. Drug(s) used in acute heart failure:

(A) dopamine (B) acetylcholine (C) histaminę (D) serotopin (E) A & B

lsed in .chronię


34. Select a drug that i!

(A) digoxin (B) enalapril (C) hydrochlorothizide (D) caryedil

35. indicate a dBJinfafi that would be safe for a patient with recoenized sulfonamide allergy: (A) acetazolamide (B) furosaimde fC) ethacrinic acid (D) hydrochlorothiazide (E) torasemide

36. Gypflmmistia^and other epdocrine abnormalities are side effects chaFacteriśtic for prolongeduse of:KATsnironolactone (33) cardiac glycisde (C) eplerenon (DVA& B are correct (E) A&B&C are correct

37. Yasodilation. anti-platelet aggregation and gastric cytoprotection best characterize:

(A) PGF2a (B) LTB4 (C) PGE2 (D) TXA2 (E)PG12

fft. Indicate a drug(s) that might arrest or at least .^low the progression of bonę and cardlage Bsstruction in rheumatoid arthńtis:

(A) methotrexate' (B) go Id compounds (C) infliximab (D) A&B CE) A&B&C

39. Which of the following drugs is the most suitable for outpatient pronhvlaxis of .^^^^^^fetB^ho^ycerin^fO^apaiflil (D) nifedipine (E) adenosine

5    (•}«    I ' H

40. indicate the Łmtiarrhytmic that does not interfere with-.electrophysiologićal propertiss oi normal cardiac tissue. but suppresses arrhytmogenic changes in ischemic tissues:

(Al procainamide (B) quinidine (C) propranolol (D) lidocaine (E) disopyramide

41. Pigoxin, except for direct effects related to Na+-K+-pump has some indirect effects on the heart due to inereasing 'vagal tone\ Which of the below mentioned actions of digoxin are indu-ecP&a chronotronhic (B) dromotropic (C) batmotropicfD) mou^c (E) A&B are correct

42. Apregnant woman suffering from epilepgy should avoid one of the following drUgs in order to deliyer a newbom without neural tubę defects:


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