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dsc08799 (2)



modem Continental organisms and the biological and physicochemical conditions and characleristics of its microenvironment provide the most appropriate explanation to interpret: (1) behavior and modę of construction of a tracę fossil; and (2) the significance of the tracę fossil with respect to the environmental, hydrologie, ecologic setting of the strata. In the e.\ample provided earlier, the sedimentary and palaeopedogenic characteristics of the trace-fossil-; strata suggest that A MB was constructed by an organism living within the unsaturated zonę of sol. The morphology of the burrow wonld indicate that the organism was moving and stoppi"_ frequently to produce the morphology of AMB. - simple comparison to modem fossorial insec. hows the interpretation of the burrow v, behavior, and environmental conditions a te (e.g., Hasiotis and Bown, 1992; Hasiotis,


;eologic record, trace-fossil-tiering relation-uced by above- and below-ground, trace-•anisms preserve evidence of the seasonal s of the groundwater profile, which are insically to the local and regional deposi-tional . ;ng, topography, hydrology, and climatic . Because a well-defined relationship exists between climate, hydrology, soils, and biodiversity, a! tracę fossils can be used to indicate such parameters as temperaturę, predpitation, evapotranspiration, and solar radiation (see Hasiotis et aL, Chapter 11). Similar Controls also have an impact on soil formation, and include topography, parent materiał, biologie activity, and time. Therefore, tracę fossils in Continental deposits can be used as ancient proxies for: (1) hidden biodiversity not recorded by body fossils in terrestrial and aquatic settings; (2) above- and below-ground ecological associations; (3) soil formation; (4) hydrology and groundwater profiles; and (5) seasonal and annual climate indicators and climate change.


I am grateful to William Miller III for inviting me to provide this contribution to the book. I am indebted to the students of University of Kansas IchnoBioGeoSeience Research Group for stimulating research and discussions on the breadth and depth of organism-media interactions. Comments and suggestions provided by Murray Gingras greatly irnproved the chapter. We thank Brian Platt and

Jon Smith for their help in preparing the chapter for publication.


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